View Full Version : Itchy legs

09-06-08, 20:27
Since thursday night I have had very itchy legs, I am itching so much my legs are sore.

I have had this in the past but not lasting this long. Its mainly my thighs, I have burst blood vessels from me itching so hard.

I shaved saturday night and its got worse since then but before then I hadn't shaved for a week so I am not sure whats causing it.

Me being me I know its a symptom of lymphonode cancer and I am in abit of a tizz:blush:

I have a very large hard pea sized spot in my ear lobe so my glands are up in that area and my right finger is sore behind the knuckle, that started yesterday. The bone hurts to touch behind the knuckle and the squishy bit which I tke it is a muscle or something is very painful to touch. It isn't swollen though but of course im thinking joint problems, raised glands and itching are all linked:weep:

Surely my full blood count 3 weeks ago wouldn't of been normal if I had cancer and surely I would be itching all over?

I am worried about my finger though, its not swollen but just sore all behind the knuckle. I went out sat night, only had 5 drinks and do not remember hurting myself at all, I wasn't even drunk but woke up the following morning with this sore finger.


09-06-08, 20:30
It is a tad puffy, dh just compared the finger to the one on my left hand and where it is sore it is a tad raised and hard:(

09-06-08, 20:52
Hi Libby
Aww sorry to hear you are feeling like this.As you know my main worry is lymphoma!!!!!
Every time i itch i go in to a huge panic.
Seriously,though i wouldnt worry. Several years ago, way back in the early 90s when i split with my first husband i used to itch all over. I came out in what looked like a nettle rash. Those were the days when lymphoma and such like never entered my pretty little head(not pretty but hey!!!)!!! I went to see my doctor who put me on some tablets and it did put a stop to it. It used to flare up all the time but mainly on my legs.
After a year or so it disappeared but i know if i got very stressed it would flare up. Those were the days when health wasnt a worry to me(ooooooo to turn the clock back!!!!!).
I am sure you will be fine. You seem to have the same trouble with glands as i do. At the moment i have one in my groin that feels big. I have just been feeling OH groin(much to his annoyance whilst he watched football) and i can feel exactly the same thing so i feel a reassured!!!
Take care and PM me if you need to chat xxx

09-06-08, 20:54
I meant to say when i carry shopping bags my elbows really ache!!! Not sure what this is but I have had this a while!!! I keep thinking joint things are probably related to when i used to go to the gym!!!

09-06-08, 20:58

I am just trying to talk myself into thinking +, its only itchy legs, I don't have any other symptoms of lymphona, temp, night sweats, weight loss etc..... so why am I worrying?

09-06-08, 21:03
Libby, as you know it is my main worry.
I also started having what i thought were night sweats so--------we went on hols in April to a caravan and I was absolutely freezing in bed for a week.That was all it took to convince me that my night sweats were the result of a 10.5 tog duvet and a brand new house which is boiling hot!!!! I changed the duvet to a 4.5 and the night sweats have disappeared.So that was one symptom gone!!!!!
The weight loss has never happened either---still 2 stone overweight and gaining by the day!!!
But i know how you feel cos a full blood count, a chest X ray(all at Xmas) hasnt been enough to convince me.
As i said i have now found another tiny bump on the other collar bone and i think that a gland in my groin is raised.The original "swelling" on my neck has now seemed to go down after weeks of no prodding as i have found other glands to prod. How crazy am i????
My GP has referred me for CBT and i am starting on propranalol at the weekend.
Do you think this may be of some help to you---the CBT? I have decided that anything is worth a try!!!!!!
I hope you feel better soon. I am sure you are just fine xxxx

09-06-08, 21:08
I have had some CBT but they didn't think I would benefit really unless it was specific to health anxiety which in my area the NHS cannot fund so that was that.

Its just my legs, im sitting here now and they are tingling away and im trying to resist the urge to itch them.

09-06-08, 21:18
I would say it is down to the heat(have u been sat out at all today?) or down to stress. Mine was mainly my legs and it was stress related.
I think i was put on antihistamines. Not sure exactly as it was about 15 years ago!!!

09-06-08, 21:20
I am stressed a tad, have been recently and my anxiety has peaked again:_(

No today I have been in work, so stuck inside all day, grrrr. As soon as I got in the car though it kicked off again, relaly felt i needed to itch, my car was boiling and in the office i had my legs crossed which made me want to itch, my legs felt abit hot.

09-06-08, 21:23
Try not to worry about it!
My anxiety seems to have peaked again. Is your main worry lymphoma related? Mine seems to be and i can drive myself crazy with it. I cant wait to start the CBT as i feel it will be a great help.

09-06-08, 21:27
No well its one of them but mainly my fears are meningitis and leukemia with myself and my children.

09-06-08, 21:40
Take care hun.
I am sure you would benefit from CBT ---it is such a shame it isnt available in your area.
My kids are 22 and 25 now and i am sooo glad i didnt suffer HA when they were younger as i would have driven myself crazy.
The funny thing is my son has always suffered swollen glands and had numerous blood tests. I never knew what the GP was testing for!!! Crikey to be that young and not have a care!!! Also my son had a scan as he found a lump on his testicle when he was 19 and at Uni---I took that in my stride too. If it were now i would be a wreck!!!!
Take care xxxx

09-06-08, 22:05
I am a wreck with my children, I am honestly so close to going back to the GP and admiting defeat:-( I feel so low.

I just asked my husband to read up on lymphona on the patient.co.uk site which I know my Dr uses and he has worried me. He let it slip out one of the symptoms as being glands feeling sore after alcohol. We went out sat night and yesterday the raised glands I have near the very nasty spot behind my ear were very very sore, more than the day before i dhad a drink so now im in a total flap:-(

He did say the itching is all over so I am daft to worry but I have a few raised glands in my neck and I am worrying. Ok they are pea size but to me thats up, my hubby says they would be very large.

I am in a total panic now:-(

09-06-08, 22:14
Please try to chill ---I am sure you are fine.
I honestly would NOT look on any sites. I did once look on that site and it is very confusing. It said that one of the signs of lymphoma is a stuffy blocked nose and trouble with your sinuses---well to be fair i have had this for the past 30 years and I am still here!!!!
I really wouldnt read any websites---to my mind they are as bad as googling!!!!!!
I dont drink so i cant comment on raised glands with drinking but I think drink can make most things worse than they are!!!
As for worrying about the kids---hey mine are still here at 22 and 25 so i am sure yours are just fine. Not easy though being a mum!!!! xxxxx

09-06-08, 22:17

I always have a snotty nose and sinus pain, have for years, lol!

So do you think my husband is right, I would be itching all over and the glands would be huge? the glands I have up are very close to the very large hard spot in my ear lobe area.

09-06-08, 23:15
I honestly think if you had anything serious you would know about it.I know, like myself, you have mentioned your glands up before so i think by now(like with me but hey i cant somehow take my own advice!!!) you would be feeling quite ill.
My neck swelling has been there for 8 months but since i have found something else to prod and poke(groin and other side of neck) it seems to be going down slightly!!!!!
I really do think you are ok. You are suffering with HEALTH ANXIETY---which makes us need constant reassurance.
Please try and take comfort in the fact you have just had a full blood count and it definately would have shown up in that(that is what my GP told me!)
Take care xxxx

09-06-08, 23:21
So you don't think anything would of changed in 3 weeks ?

Thanks for taking the time to reply to me tonight.

09-06-08, 23:49
No I dont think so in 3 weeks!!
I had mine done nearly 6 months ago and every day i think hey do you think it will have changed. My OH says that they dont just change in a few months but again, LOL, I cant take my own advice!!!
I am honestly sure you will be fine.
I know you have had glands up for a while so i think if it were anything to worry about you would definately know by now!!!!
I am glad that i have been some help.
I know that there are loads of kind ppl on these forums and I know that many(they know who they are!) have taken loads of time to help me!!!
I will catch up tomorrow---going to bed now as constanly feel tired so trying to get to bed a bit earlier than normal!!!

10-06-08, 06:58
Thanks Jelly,

Still itching this morning but its my thighs and they feel hot so I think this warm weather isn't helping. My finger still realy hurts though to touch or if I lean anything against that part of the finger, so strange. I do remember my sister pulling me by my fingers to drag me back on the dancefloor the other night so my dh thinks that will of maybe strained it because its the tendon and fleshy but that feels abit inflammed and painful.

10-06-08, 09:11
Your full blood count will most defo have shown ANY problem!

Have you ever heard of a nervous rash? I knew a person who iched all over due to his anxiety and it's most common.

Also any squishy bumps you may have, if they are sore it's usually not cancer.

Cancer like that are usualy solid non painful masses.

You may just have an infection, your anitbodies will take care of it in a week or so, if not the Dr can give you some antibiotics, could be a boil, I hate those.

Sigh, I am on my medication and feel better but I am still worried about my memory Ahhhh, Anxiety is so wrong.


10-06-08, 09:42
Thanks Joyce,

I am on an anitbiotic liquid stick for my spots, it is like a boil, is rock hard and in my ear lobe area, really sore but I have had these a few times and they have gone on their own. Dr says they are juse tvery infected spots. It feels a tad smaller than yesterday.

The finger is hurting still, not sure what I have done but if I push behind the knuckle it really hurts, its like the squishy bit, tendon? is really sore but the finger is not swollen if u look at it.

I think the itching may be anxiety and this heat, I woke up this morning with very hot legs.


10-06-08, 18:25
I always have itchy legs, it's just eczema in my case. But it could be the heat.

As for your finger, stop prodding it!!

10-06-08, 20:07
Thanks Charlotte, lol!

12-06-08, 06:52
I saw my GP yesterday and she said ive another cyst behind my ear, nice!

She said the itching is either heat or from shaving. I was up from 4am this morning scratching my thighs. I haven't shaved now in 5 days! Arghhh it is driving me mad.

12-06-08, 20:09
Try taking some antihistamines.

12-06-08, 20:53
Thanks:-) I will try some tomorrow if its the same tonight.

I am itching but not as much as I was but its still not gone completly. I also have lots of tiny purple marks on my skin and some finger tip sized bruises which I guess are from all the scratching? they are in the areas where i have been scratching. I just wish it would stop!

12-06-08, 21:13
I imagine it is, try not to scratch you will really make it sore. I know from experience :( I scratch my eczema so much on my legs that they bleed sometimes.
If it bothers you at night more make sure you get a drowsy antihistamine.

12-06-08, 22:00
Thanks Charlottie,

I wil try that.

I hope it stops soon whatever is causing it, my legs look a mess.