View Full Version : Any ideas?

15-04-05, 14:30
I'm not really sure where to begin.

For a while now I've been having panic/anxiety attacks. Not sure which. Thing is, they only happen when I'm out in a pub or club. Doesnt matter if I'm drinking or not. I think I've noticed a pattern that they only happen when someone mentions my ex boyf, but that could be coincidene. I'm sure I've had small ones where it seems that nothing sets them off.

Usually, my heart will start beating really fast. If one of my friends puts their hand on my chest to feel- they usually freak out and get me to go outside and sit down. Generally I feel fine. A bit panicky, a bit faint, sometimes my head hurts, other times I feel faint, sometimes short of breath. They last anywhere between a couple of minutes and 10 mins. Although I had one a couple of days ago that lasted 30mins, which freaked me out cos they've never lasted that long before.

I have weird thoughts too, which I've been told could be OCD related, but I dont actually have compulsions. It's usually when I'm driving. I'll imagine bad things happening to me or my family or friends. Just bad things generally. When I'm in a relationship I'll usually have trouble falling asleep cos I lay awake thinking that my boyf is chaeting on me or lying to me etc etc (I usually then go and check his phone to make sure he hasnt been calling other girls- not sure if thats a compulsion?)

Sometimes I'll end up making myself cry cos of all the things I'm thinking. Although when I've been thinking these things it never brings on a panic attack. Nothing seems to bring them on, they just happen. Even when I havent been worrying.

I'm fine around large groups of ppl, although I get a bit worried if I'm not totally in control. I dont like swimming in the sea or ice skating etc cos I'm not totally in control of my body (weird, huh!).
I dont like going places without my car, in case I cant leave when I want to and have to rely on someone else. I dont like staying at other peoples houses in case they cook dinner and I dont like it and I'll go hungry. Thinking about it- I;m pretty weird!

If anyones got any ideas, I'd really appriciate it. Thanks x

15-04-05, 14:44
hi jiggly,

Have you read megs welcome page that will make things a bit easier for you to understand what is happening to you
take care,

kairen x

15-04-05, 14:47
Hi Jiggly....

Cool name :D

Your not at all weird.

Like Kairon says, have a read of the home page, its really usefull and also read some of the other posts here, it mite help you understand whats happening and that its not weird at all.

Tatty B xx

15-04-05, 14:55
Hi Jiggly

I agree with tattybear cool name as is Tattybear.

If you are weird then we are all weird. Trust me we all completely understand where you are coming from. Have you had a look around the forum you will see what I mean. Agree with Kairen look at megs page and you will have a better idea what is happening and how to deal with it.
We are all here to give advice and support and are a very caring bunch.

take care


15-04-05, 15:35
Hi Jigglypuff,

You sound very normal in an anxious/ panicky sort of way.

Nothing you've said makes me think that this is anything but panic and anxiety.

You are already on the right track by recognsing that its is your thought pattens that trigger your attacks and keep them going each time.

I don't think checking phones is an OCD reaction - more like spying on him.

Control is a big thing for most anxious people but you do need to manage the times when you cannot be in full control.

First Steps : First Steps to overcoming Panic and Anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=942)

Thoughts : Lets try to keep our thoughts in perspective (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=283)
More thoughts : Mind Games (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1789)
Thoughts: obsessive thoughts & anxiety (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3096)


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...