View Full Version : Feeling Full

09-06-08, 21:08
From symptoms page:

Digestive system/Nausea

What you feel:

All parts of the GI muscles contract , decreasing the flow of digestive juices and slow down your metabolism - but it wants to get rid of what is ready to be excreted – now !!. You may need the loo urgently several times, have tummy pains. This can be from gentle butterflies to a severe pain in the pit of the stomach. Often you swallow air leading to feeling very nauseous or having a churny tummy produces gas that needs to be burped up.

You may feel bloated or gaseous, or that there is a lump in your stomach. Sometimes you may feel like you have butterflies in your stomach or that your stomach is tight. Some people refer to it as a 'heavy' stomach. Others experience over acidity or persistent nausea. Sometimes even the thought of eating something will make you nauseous.
What causes this:

High stress biology produces extra stomach acid, digestive juices and stomach muscle action or tension in order to quickly digest and eliminate food in the digestive system. This helps to prepare the body for immediate action. When high stress biology is maintained throughout the day, the build up of stomach acid and muscle tension produces an excess of stomach acid which then irritates the stomach and causes indigestion, bloating, diarrhoea, and so on.

Eating smaller more frequent meals will help to reduce this symptom, as well as eating blander non-spicy foods. Using ant-acids, stomach remedies and drinking plenty of water will also help. However, the best remedy is rest, although symptom relief is not immediate.

I think I have this symptom as I feel full after a drink of Juice or I have to eat things slowly as I feel a bit full does anybody else with anxiety suffer this? It normally lasts a few weeks and its another symptom but I just worry about it.

13-06-08, 13:01
That quote describes my digestive system to a T! You're definitely not the only one. I also feel full after eating or drinking, sometimes only a very small amount is enough to make me feel stuffed. I also frequently feel a bit sick after eating. It's quite a battle sometimes, especially as I am trying to gain weight at the moment. Even as I sit typing this my tum is churning away....

16-06-08, 10:19
I too am going through something similar. I have been prescribed lansoprazole which is now having some effect but to begin with, I would eat something small (like toast) and feel as if I'd eaten a horse :ohmy:

Pop along to your GP, you don't need to suffer like this.

17-06-08, 00:56
Hey have a question too, since we're on the subject of digestive tracks. Before I begin, I want to say that I'm 19 years old and definitely suffer from health anxiety (this may affect how rational I am when it comes to handling my symptoms - I also have pretty regular 'symptom shifting,' or feeling like a something new is wrong with me on a about a weekly basis or so).

This time I'm worried because I've been experiencing some pain in the right side of my body. I have it in my lower right quadrant and in my hip. Sometimes the pain radiates down my leg, and which led my parents to conclude that it was sciatica. I tend to agree with them, but I notice the pain increases after a bowel movement. I have chronic constipation, which adds to the problem. I recently had some very comprehensive blood tests done and everything came back normal (the blood tests were conducted after several bouts I had with panic about a month and a half ago).

Anyone have any ideas about what this pain could be, though? I have no history of colon issues whatsoever, save hemorrhoids (is that how you spell them??)

Thanks everyone!