View Full Version : I've had to quit!!

09-06-08, 21:44
Hiya Everyone
I am so disappointed in myself..I have had to quit my job due to people at a place where I used to work.I got complained about and demoted from my position and its hit me so hard!!.I couldn't sleep and felt sick everytime I went to work!!.Why are people so cruel??, I feel so low in myself and ever since I found this site I have been feeling great.
A very fed up Jo xx

milly jones
09-06-08, 22:10
u my twin

i had this prob which is basically why im off sick at mo. occ health suggesting that itys end of line for me too.

i really feel for u hun

pls pm if u need a chat

milly x

09-06-08, 22:11
It can get very vicious in the workplace. I remember when I worked on the railway when it was the old British rail. In those days promotion went to those with the longest service, so there was no nastiness going on. Then they privatised the railway and promoted people in an entirely different way.
Boy did you soon learn who your friends where then. People who couldn't get promoted due to them them being technically inferior, wore the good guys down by making them look worse that themselves,so they got promotion. Well we all know what happened then with trains crashing left right and centre. I work for myself now, so I have no idiots to challenging me just because they are technically thick, but street wise.


10-06-08, 10:48
Huge hugs Jo and Milly. I can really empathise as I am currently working my way through a grievance procedure.

I went back to work last September after having three and a half months off with stress and depression (not work related). I was treated so shoddily by supervisors, managers and Human Resources that after only 3 weeks I had to be signed off sick again.
I'm now on my second and final appeal hearing. I've started an Employment Tribunal case against them - which they seem surprised at!!
Meanwhile they've given me notice and I'm being paid to stay at home - until 30th June. So I too will be unemployed then.

Please remember that mental health issues, such as depression, are covered by the Disability Discrimination Act and as such your employers should be offering to make 'reasonable adjustments' to help you back to work. Google the DDA for more advise.
My solicitor thinks I stand a reasonable chance of winning at tribunal.
It is very exhausting though and I find it hard to move on - perhaps come July I'll be able to do that.

What's really sad is that this is 'people' making other people ill - I just hope that what goes around comes around and one day they will suffer ill health as well.

:hugs: for everyone who needs them.

10-06-08, 10:58
Thank you for your posts everyone I am to scared to take this further to be honest!!.Its just hurts me that this one person has broke me a 35yr old woman with 3 kids..What goes around comes around so they say!!. xxx

10-06-08, 20:43
:hugs: :hugs: Big hugs Jo and Milly, I'm really angry with what you have both had to endure.

Luckily my employers have been great ever since I first started with them 20 years ago!!! They actually took me on as a temp, knowing I was suffering chronic anxiety, in the hope it would help me recover. I was given a permanent post 18 months later

That said, I can see some of the nastiness Cardmaker described coming from the younger, newer employees. I find it sad and will always be there for anyone who feels how I did when I was first given that chance

Take care both of you
