View Full Version : Horrible nervous feeling all the time

15-04-05, 15:16
Hi there,

I'm sure I'm not the only one but I have this horrible nervous feeling all the time and it's getting more and more upsetting to me.

I suffer from very specific health anxiety relating to my son and during times where I may be concerned about something I just can't keep it under control.

I have a history of symptom surfing and whenever I panic about something to do with him I still have the tendency to go onto the Internet and blindly search for symptoms which usually makes me much worse - I then get an idea into my head and go off into full blown panic.

Originally this was a very emotional thing where I was upset about what I was thinking and worried about whether he was seriously ill - but the longer it goes on the more physical it becomes - ie. I get palpitations, feel nervous, get this horrible sinking feeling and I'm getting scared I'm not too far away from having a full blown panic attack.

I have been on sertraline (off and on as I've had good spells where I thought I had a grip on my problem) 50mg but this week my doc increased it to 100mg as I was struggling and feel like I've got into a vicious circle.

The things I worried about last year for example that I may have eventually been reassured on keep re-occuring and I just feel I am going round and round and getting nowhere fast - except worse as far as my physical health and wellbeing is concerned.

I just hate feeling like this - I know it is part of being a parent to watch out for your child and make sure they are OK but surely it shouldn't mean that I am almost missing out on the fun with him because I'm constantly worried that every cough, sniffle or symptom that may appear is as a result of something sinister.

Does this sound familiar to anyone or am I going quietly mad ??!!

Take Care All

15-04-05, 15:33
U are not goin mad at all...
Ur a parent and dats ur job to be concerned!
U need to step back and look at the big picture here...is it truly worth gettin strung out over?No...defo not, cos kids pick these colds n coughs up all the time, its norm-honest
Take it easy

15-04-05, 16:00
Hi I wouldnt say ur mad i worry about my kids especally when they dont come in when there told too.

Its just part of being a parent.

all the best.

15-04-05, 16:17

u r not on your own i'm slowly getting over 2mths of anxiety, i had the same thought everything was wrong with me but it was nasty old anxiety. Went to the docs don't know how many times seen nearly every doctor in my surgery to make sure they were telling me the same thing and they were. Had blood tests,kidney,liver,thyriod, stool tests all came back normal i get ectopic heartbeats which is the heart missing beats been told there not dangerous and due to anxiety. I too went on internet just like u also got prescribed sertraline because i was more agitated but i didn't take them i was too scared to, i am not agitated now. U sound just the same as i was u will get over it it takes time but u will get there i'm not to bad now. No your not going mad its just nasty old anxiety rearing its head.Anyway i hope thats makes u feel a bit reasured.

take care

lin xx

15-04-05, 16:35

Just want to say thanks guys for all the quick replies.

As my husband says, there is nothing wrong with the way I want to protect and care for my son - it's just I need to keep it in perspective and I can't be on "red alert" all the time looking for symptoms and worrying about things as otherwise I will miss out on the best thing of all.....my son !! Also, self-diagnosing via the internet is never a good idea. I recognise that anyone can look up a list of symptoms for an illness but it takes a qualified medical professional to relate those symptoms (severity, frequency, relevance etc.) and draw a conclusion.

I realised that recently as he has had a few illnesses (tonsillitis, ear infections, yukky runny nose) and he was running around one morning and I was trying to stop him to check his temperature (even though he didn't particularly feel hot and wasn't acting feverish) and I suddenly realised that I have to remember what's in my son's best interests in all of this.

Of course he wants his mammy to make sure he's as healthy as he can be but also I'm sure it doesn't benefit him in any way for me to be obsessing about his health and symptoms all the time - my worst fear is that he picks up on this and ends up thinking that he is ill because of the amount of attention I put on checking things etc.

Thanks again all

15-04-05, 21:10
Hi Mell

Off course you have his best interest at heart any mother would. And it hard when we become obsessed about any cough or sniffle and fear the worst, but you know you can come through this and have done really well recently.

You try to relax within yourself and let the rest of it come together how it should. You sound to have a very supporive husband and i am sure as a family you will get through this.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

16-04-05, 07:09
Hi Mell,
You are definately NOT MAD!!!!

I will PM you later and hope you are feeling better today.