View Full Version : Night panic

10-06-08, 01:22
I was asleep five minutes ago! Just woke up, shaking, dry mouth, heart pounding, stomach churning, soaked in sweat. I feel hot, sick and most of all terrified. Desperate for it to be day again or at least dawn. So scared of the dark and the night and I don't even know why. I just want it to be four or five in the morning, it's only quarter past one, this is my 'scary' time. Scared I'll be sick. I'm too anxious to lie in bed even, I'm squatting on the floor of my bedroom as I type this. I'm shaking all over. So so scared. Anyone there?

10-06-08, 01:35

I know how you feel. The new day means its gonna be safe and at night we always expect the worst, I live alone and for a few months I would feel like that and hated if I woke up before the morning time...is there anything that you do that can take your mind off how you feel?

Try and do slow breathing as you lie down in bed and picture the word relax

start off with just the R and just see that one letter coming into view and work your way from R-E-L-A-X and just allow that word to calm you...Also even pop into chat if your feeling a bit tense, just for a chat, as there are a few people in there...Really thinking about you right now and praying for you


10-06-08, 01:45
Thanks Kev, I feel a bit calmer for trying the RELAX thing, it does help. Thank you for your thoughts and prayers. x

10-06-08, 09:05
Hi.Night panic attacks happend to me alot but you must eat a apple when it happens because at night your blood sugar goes low and then you get panic attacks.

Eva May
10-06-08, 09:55
I'm terrified at night as well Samira.When I'm having a bad night I need to set my alarm to about 2.30 or 3 am and only when it goes off do I feel safe again. And I'm the same as you, what I really want is about 5 am so I can feel really safe

10-06-08, 10:18
Yes, I understand. That middle of the night time is horrible. It feels like a lifetime away until the morning, and when it starts getting light I always feel safer. Don't know why, guess it's just one of those things.
This may sound weird, but if I can't sleep I try doing sums in my head!!! For some reason it helps me, particularly if you give yourself hard sums, as they tire you out! Works for me!