View Full Version : All the tests for indigestion coming back clear but still having symptoms

10-06-08, 08:51
Has anyone gone through all the tests for their indigestion symptoms and given the all clear but still having problems?

My symptoms started about 5 weeks ago - all upper abdominal, ie knotted feeling, lump in throat, fullness/pressure are eating blah blah.......

Anyway had bloods done, including H.Pylori, all came back clear - horrah. However no improvement, I then had ultrasound on kidneys, liver, spleen, gall bladder & pancreas - all clear - horrah again. However despite being on Lansoprazole (had omeprazole originally but it didn't even touch the sides) I'm still experiencing symptoms. Saw my GP yesterday and he wants me to continue with the Lansoprazole for another 2 weeks (he likes patients to give the tablets 4/5 weeks), if no improvement then he will send me to have the camera down the throat next :ohmy:

I explained I was worried about cancer but he said that I'm not showing any of the signs, ie vomitting blood, passing blood etc - he said that if I had described any of the urgent signs, then he would've sent me off straight away.

So what else will the camera be looking for if not cancer?

And have any of you had all this done but not to find anything causing your symptoms - beginning to feel I'm going to be one of these people :shrug:

10-06-08, 09:19
Lansoprazole ... thats Zoton right ??? for Acid Reflux ? So you have acid reflux as well as the other symptoms ?

10-06-08, 09:31
Lansoprazole ... thats Zoton right ??? for Acid Reflux ? So you have acid reflux as well as the other symptoms ?

do you mean heartburn by acid reflux? If so, only slightly