View Full Version : Arthitis Symptoms

10-06-08, 09:37
Is it documented or do others get Arthritis symptoms after having weeks of anxiety.

7 Weeks ago i got Labrithitis ..... which led on to Anxiety symptoms such as:

Muscle Twitching
Leg, arm and body jerking
Cold water splashing sensations on skin
Skin creeping/crawling sensations
Left arm feeling weak
Worry while going down the MS, Motor Nurone, Parkinsons road.

MRI said i was fine, GP's say im fine, GP i saw today said it was all anxiety.

But after 7 weeks of the above, ive noticed that i now have a dull ache in my left sholder, bicep, fore arm, wrist, and my index finger. Some times it comes and goes, but if i pick any thing up i feel a dull ach usually in my wrist or sholder.

Even typing last night on the computer with my left hand caused a dull pain in my bicep muscle.

Ive also noticed for the past 2 weeks or so, my knee joints hurt a bit while walking, and have noticed the same thing in my ankle and some of my toes.

The Dr said today it was a bit of Arthritis.....

Anyone else suffer from minor joint pain ? Due to Anxiey ?

10-06-08, 10:48
I'm in pretty much the same boat as you and have all the same worries! (I posted a new thread last night coz I was having a bit of a wobble!)

I have tennis elbow, pain in right shoulder and collarbone, aches below hips on both legs, pain behind left knee on standing after crouching and an ache (with a tender spot) at base of left thumb near wrist. Added to this, since Saturday my left shoulder/bicep has flared up and feels numb/achey.

So generally any action I make will cause some part of me to have a moan. Am I stressed/anxious? - yes. Do I think it's all due to anxiety? - no.

I don't know what to do next really. Feel I need to get an MRI done - that must provide some comfort.

10-06-08, 18:12
Most people get twinges somewhere in their body. I have arthritis in my left knee, neck, left forefinger, right thumb and I am on Arthrotec 75.

Forget about it don't let it control your life, cod liver oil capsules are suppose to be good. The doctor put me on Glucosimine as well.:yesyes: