View Full Version : Not just me!

10-06-08, 09:45
Im new and found this website while doing a search for citilopram side effects! I didnt realize just how many other people are feeling the same as me. I have had anxiety and stress related stuff since the birth of my eldest son 8 years ago. It doesnt come up very often but when it does its horrible and I find it hard to cope. The doc has put me on 10 mg of Citilopram which i tried to take last week but stopped because of the side effects. I started again though this week but Ive cut the tablet in half to 5mg which I know is going to take ages but I figured it might lessen the side effects if I increase it slowly. Thanks for reading this, I dont feel so alone anymore.

10-06-08, 09:53
Hi Lynny and welcome to the site. I only joined recently myself and already have found everyone to be so supportive and undertstanding. We are all in the same boat suffering from various anxieties and panics and stressful symptoms. I took effexor for 2 months and had to give it up due to the side effects, it was pure poison and I am doing better without it, I try and use CBT techniques and also take a Xanax now and then when I am extremely anxious. I hope your drug will settle into your system but if not then I would go back to your GP because it may not suit you. You have my sympathy and all our support XX

10-06-08, 18:17
Hiya lynny :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of supprt/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. your meds can take up to 6 wks to start working and can give you some nasty side effects while your boby ajusts to them.
If you are still get bad side effects after the 6 wks go back and talk your doc as they may not be suitable for you.
keep posting and i hope to talk to you in chat soon.

take care.


milly jones
10-06-08, 18:31
hi and welcome to nmp.

the side effects are nasty initially with citalopram, but they do subside, well they have done with me.

take care

milly x :blush:

10-06-08, 19:44
Thank you so much everyone. Its so reassuring to know other people out there understand a bit of what I am feeling. x

10-06-08, 19:57
Hi Lynny,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

10-06-08, 21:15
Hi Lynny and :welcome:

You'll get loads of support and advice here while making new friends along the way. I hope the side effects pass quickly for you. :hugs:

Take care,

Mike :)

10-06-08, 21:36
Hi Lynny

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxxx

11-06-08, 15:25
Hello Lynny And Welcome ......i Wish Ya Well.........linda