View Full Version : strange or what?

Granny Primark
10-06-08, 20:06
Me and me hubby are no longer in contact with our son and his family due to a silly disagreement.
His partner was due to give birth to their other daughter on my bday 17th May.
Las week we went to the cemetry to take flowers to my hubby brother who died suddenly last year age 60.
I was just about to get in the car to come home when I had a thought. My son worshipped his uncle. I went back to his grave and asked my bro in law for help.
Today I had a phone call off his wife to tell me that her window cleaner had told her that one of her hubbys nephews had become a dad again. Hed read my sons posts on the stoke city website and realised that Mr ? must be her hubbys nephew!
How strange is that?
As long as im alive il never give up hope of having the once close family I once had back together.
Could this be a sign I might have that?
Also ive found out that my new grandaughter has inherited my mums name as one her her second names.
I just hope for a miracle that my family can be mended.

10-06-08, 20:26
Hi Lynn,

Congratulations on the new addition to the family.

:hugs: :yesyes: :flowers: :hugs: :yesyes: :flowers:

You are in my thoughts and prayers.
Best wishes,

10-06-08, 20:35

...i hope your family gets back together, and you get too cuddle your new grand daughter

take care dawny xxxxx

Cathy V
10-06-08, 20:51
Hi lynn, I also hope you and your son and daughter-in-law are reconciled in the near future. Babies can sometimes bring ppl together. I hope so for you and your hubby.

I have 4 children, 2 boys (men) 35 and 33, and 2 girls 29 and 20. My 33yr old has caused so many probs in the past and the final straw came last november. None of us have spoken to him since. It breaks my heart coz hes my boy but i know that this time ive got to let him come back on our terms not his. I dont know if he ever will but i pray every day that he comes to his senses and contacts one of us.

I hope you and your boy get together soon.
Best wishes
cathy xxx

Granny Primark
10-06-08, 21:15
Omg cathy that so rings true with us.
My best friend says that ive made a big mistakes with my children. Its to make my children friends. That way they dont respect you.
But I want my children as friends so that i know they can turn to me first with their probs instead of anyone else . I want to be there and help them forever.
Im the parent and not them. I think my 2 children have forgotten that.

11-06-08, 10:23
For Granny :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: Never give up hope hun :hugs:

P.S. I got 5 pairs of knickers in Primark for 2 quid imagine 5 whole pairs :roflmao: xxxx

11-06-08, 10:32
Make the first move GP - send a congratulations card. If they want to get back in touch they will ring to thank you for the card.

Hugs to you.

milly jones
11-06-08, 10:52
hey cardmaker thats a good idea

we had a family disagreement, not involving me, but it is so hard to make the first move after a while.

gp i send u all my love and hopes that u both can reconcile this so that u can be at peace

milly xx