View Full Version : Positives of anxiety

10-06-08, 21:01
Not meaning to make this posting sound sickly sweet, but i just wanted to share some thoughts i had today with others....

I never thought anything positive would ever come out of my anxiety and panic attacks, i have hated, dreaded, despised it all for a long time.
But today i was thinking about my experiences lately and how it has effected me and the rest of my life.

Before i experienced this condition i had no idea how genuinely kind strangers could be, i also had no idea how kind i myself could be to a stranger and how much i could really actually care about how they were feeling and how i might be able to help them, i have learnt this through being a member of NMP which i would never have become a member of if i werent a sufferer.

So as much as i hate this horrible condition it has taught me more about myself and others than i would have ever thought possible, and this can only be described as positive.

Would i have learnt this on the way through my life anway? I'll never know but i will carry this with me always.

And that makes me smile. :)

I wanted to say so much more but cant quite put it into words, but anyway....thank you. :flowers:

10-06-08, 22:32
Hi Charlie

I can relate to wot u are saying so much and i just wanna say that u have helped me so much in the past few weeks.

So a big thank you to u and everybody on this site who has helped me because without all of you i no i wouldnt of been able to cope like i have done.

love mandie x

11-06-08, 01:22
i had no idea how genuinely kind strangers could be, i also had no idea how kind i myself could be to a stranger and how much i could really actually care about how they were feeling and how i might be able to help them,

I'm glad the penny's dropped!:winks:

Anxiety sufferers "worry" but that also means we're sensitive and caring like yourself but instead we focus on the negative aspects of anxiety and how it makes us "feel".

I'm glad I'm not the only one who can see what an anxiety sufferer Really is!

Be Proud of Being a Sensitive Caring person and for Being YOU because there are no finer qualities in a person!:bighug1:

11-06-08, 06:30
Nearly everyone on here is fantastic, supportive and amazing individuals. MASSIVE HUGS ALL ROUND!!!!!:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

11-06-08, 09:45
I agree, I am glad you are all here, not sure I help much but you all help me.:yesyes:

11-06-08, 09:50
:yesyes: :hugs: :winks: hiya charlie, yes i agree with you totally - even if at times i want to be rid of my silly anxiety, i dont feel i would be who i am without it? i feel that this is when you have 'accepted' your condition and yourself and ironically you now move on? you may not leave anxiety behind, because nobody can, but you stop hating yourself for being weak or defective - we arent!!!!! and so like i said this knowledge moves us along like nothing else, tc emma xxxxxxx:hugs:

milly jones
11-06-08, 13:22

i love u lol

i couldnt exist without ur contact and u always make me laugh

thank you for helping me finally find a friend

even if we never meet its wonderful to know ur on the end of a phone if i need u, and hopefully if u ever need me im there for u too.

nmp has given me more confidence to try and make friends

thank you


11-06-08, 13:51
oh pops great post hun xxx

12-06-08, 02:29

I did log on and write a comment last night -- but JUST as I was finishing it, lightning struck a nearby tree, branches fell onto power lines, and everything went totally black. We were in the middle of a heat wave and it took very violent storms to break it (20 people have died in this area alone).

So . . . what I wrote last night was that I thought that your post was very nice . . . and it is so encouraging to see you finding the positive in an at-times very trying condition (especially considering how much you have recently suffered yourself with this). I try to always see the positive as well -- and we're all learning so much about ourselves and others (including how wonderful it is to exercise empathy).

I have always felt that, hidden somewhere, there is truly a silver lining to this dark cloud. And we all emerge so much stronger than when we went in . . . each and every time.

Anyway, it was a very trying night throughout the night last night, and its finally nearly bedtime again tonight (on a very pleasant evening, thank goodness). I'm hoping for a better night. The heart was beating a little fast last night with the extra adrenaline -- but I toughed it out.

milly jones
12-06-08, 11:37
wow never2late

u do get some weather over the pond dont u lol

glad ur ok hun

milly xx

12-06-08, 13:59
Maybe I should start accepting my anxiety and stop trying to hide it away from everyone, that way it might make me start to feel better and stop worrying if people see me acting anxiously.

13-06-08, 03:42
:yesyes: yes through personal experience i would say that worrying about being 'seen' to be anxious is one of the main reasons we continue to be anxious!:wacko:

13-06-08, 10:04
I have found that when i feel i behave anxiously, rarely people have even noticed anyway!

My psychiatrist said to me the other day that if anxiety is a part of my personality, if i got rid of it what would i replace it with? ooooo its made me think, is this where accceptance comes in and we except our anxiety as part of our personality therefore not being afraid of it and living with OURSELVES??? oooo deep ive confused myself!!!! LOL ;)