View Full Version : panic disorder please help

kt xxx
10-06-08, 21:13
hi, i have been having panic attaks for about 5 months now - they started just after the birth of my son, at first i didnt know they were panic attacks as they come unexpectdidly..i have recently been told i have panic and anxiety disorder however i still cannot believe this as i am extrememly dizzy everyday and get a dull ache in the left side of my chest even when i am not panikn. I have seen about 10 doctors now and they have all said the same thing and told me to stop worrying but i cant the dizzyness is stopping me from doing things i would usually do i am scared that i have something serious because of the dizzyness and dull ache..does anyone else get this?

10-06-08, 21:28
Hi there,
i am also a sufferer of anxiety and panic and like yourself i found it hard to accept the diagnosis! have you been offered counselling or medication by your doctor!

Helen x

10-06-08, 21:52
Hi kt

:welcome: to the site

I have anxiety and panic and i to find it hard to accept its this and not something serious.

Are u on any meds. Has the dr offered u counselling.

One of my main symptoms is being lite headed which panics me, but i no hte more i panic the more it will stay with me.

love mandie x

10-06-08, 23:37
Hi Kt, having a baby can shake anyones nerves, I have a 6 year old and I know that giving birth is traumatic, never mind the nerves after you give birth, trying to have everything perfect for them. I have had panic disorder since september 07 and what you are describing is exactly like my experience. I got so bad at times I would go to the doctor every day and get blood tests done, talk about wanting a brain scan, you name it and I tried it. I ended up in casualty several times where they told me it was all panic - the pains, the extreme dizziness, vertigo etc.... I ended up not wanting to go anywhere as I feared having an attack anywhere I went. This was difficult as I had to bring my son to and from school. I was an emotional wreck, it was the closest to a breakdown ever. I got depressed over it all and my doctor put me on citalopram. I can't recommend them enough. The side effects are not nice but they wear off soon and I can now think straight again! Will be hopefully coming off them slowly the end of the summer. Don't suffer in silence! I took xanax every other day as needed but found I had developed panic disorder quickly so the doc put me on citalopram. Please go to your doctor and get help, you deserve to enjoy your new baby without feeling anxious all the time. love and light, Ashaxxxx

eternally optimistic
10-06-08, 23:42
Hi Kt

I get the dizziness when I'm "uptight" and probably unsure of new things!!!!

Am on medication, have been since August last year and it has definitely helped me, still is helping me.

Hope you find a way to start to deal with your anxiety.

Try not to worry as I am sure the Doctors are right in what they say.

See if you can find something that helps you chill.


10-06-08, 23:54
KT xxx

The aftermath of childbirth can be a funny old thing! I went through similar!

Find whatever route works best for you - you may find you can get the help you need without medication like CBT. You may find you need a little more and medication for a spell to calm things may work.

Speak to your GP or health visitor - it could be post natal - I always thought that was depression but for me like you it manifested in anxiety.

Keep us updated x

11-06-08, 05:24
i got my panic attacks a month after my son was born also. he is 6 months now. excersize, cutting caffiene (my weakness) and lots of sugar out of your diet helps

kt xxx
11-06-08, 17:27
thanks for everyones replys, im pleased i found this site because i thought it was just me feeling like this..when i walk down the street its like everyones getting on with their lives and not worrying about anything i must just have to much time to think at the minute while im at home looking after my son.I am on beta blokers, i havnt had an actual panic attak for 3 days now which is good - but i feel like im waiting to have one which is making me worse. Tryd counciling but it hasnt really helped..someone can tell you your alright but you cant tell yourself if that makes sense, i think i would be able to if i didnt have the constant aches xx

11-06-08, 17:37
:) there is a direct link between childbirth and the onset of an anxiety disorder - though they arent 100% sure why, but prob something to do with increased stress, social isolation, lack of preparation on our parents part - so not actually having any clue what becoming a parent involves and how life changing it will be!,increased demands and less time to do everything in, and the endocrine system - thats hormones to you and me! so dont feel bad about wha thas happened - you just need to find ways of coping, tc, emma:winks:

11-06-08, 17:48
hi, i have been having panic attaks for about 5 months now - they started just after the birth of my son, at first i didnt know they were panic attacks as they come unexpectdidly..i have recently been told i have panic and anxiety disorder however i still cannot believe this as i am extrememly dizzy everyday and get a dull ache in the left side of my chest even when i am not panikn. I have seen about 10 doctors now and they have all said the same thing and told me to stop worrying but i cant the dizzyness is stopping me from doing things i would usually do i am scared that i have something serious because of the dizzyness and dull ache..does anyone else get this?

what is your son's name btw? is he your first? how does it feel to be a mommy?:hugs: