View Full Version : Introduce Myself - Emetaphobia

10-06-08, 21:53
This is the first time I have been on this site.
I never realised that anyone else, except from myself suffers from my phobia.
I am now 35 and have struggled with it all my life. I cannot remember a time when I have not had it.
I am better than I used to be, as I can now enjoy eating, which I never used to be able to do when I was a child. I cannot remember the times my mum had to take me to the doctors, because I would not eat, this was all down to me being scared that I would be sick, my poor mum tried everything to try and get me to eat, it was a real struggle.
I still worry, before I go on holiday that I will be sick while I am there. I do not like travelling, as again I am scared I will be sick.
It's not just the fear of me being sick though, it is the fear of someone near me being sick, this sends me into a state of sheer panic!! If I actually see someone being sick I turn into an emotional wreck and have to get away from the situation, after it I cannot help but see it happening over and over again in my mind.
I feel really silly explaining all this, it is something that close friends and family know about, but I try to play it down as much as I can, as I feel so stupid.
I still cannot believe that there are other people out there with the same fears as I have I always thought it was just me and for it to be called something is just great. It does make me feel that bit better, knowing that I am not the only person who suffers from this.

10-06-08, 22:00
Hi Otla and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

PS I moved your thread to intros so people can say hello, hope that's ok.

11-06-08, 10:40
Hi Otla,
Welcome to the site.I have Emetophobia too and symptoms the same as yours and I have had for 25yrs and found myself getting worse over the years so this year decided to do lots of research and get help! Ive seen a pyschologist,had medication (which i refused to take because of the side effects!) and just yesterday started a sort of Regression Hypnosis (to see the incident which triggered off my phobia but this time to see it with adult eyes not as a child and be able to rationalise it in my mind) and also use visualisation techniques (which is kinda like using visualisation to think of nice things whilst being in a state of relaxation) and for the 1st time in my life am feeling really positive its gonna work! I have also found meditation really helpful and relaxing.
I know how you feel about playing down Emetophobia as I did this too but actually by being upfront and explaining it to people has made people more understanding of why i do/dont do certain things and if I have a panic attack they understand why and can help me quicker!
Anyway feel free to message me,
Take it easy,

milly jones
11-06-08, 10:48
hey no need to feel bad theres loads of ppl with various fears on nmp

everyone is supportive and understanding

welcome to nmp

milly xxx

11-06-08, 13:06
Hi Otla,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

11-06-08, 15:22
Hello Otla And Welcome ....wish Ya Well.........linda

11-06-08, 23:47
Hey Otla

I too joined up only a day or so ago, and I too thought I was the only one to feel like I did!! I have the same symptoms as you and completely understand how you feel.

I have found this site so useful already and everyone is very helpful. I hope you find all the help and advice you need.

Lee x

12-06-08, 09:47
Hello :smile: and welcome to NMP.

You will find lots of useful advice on here and will also meet people who truly understand how you are feeling.

Kaz x

12-06-08, 10:01
Hi Otla

I too have had this phobia for as long as I can remember and I'm almost 35. I know exactly how you feel, you are not stupid(unless lots of us are too). Did you know that emmetephobia is the seventh most common phobia?? It's right up there with fear of heights, open spaces, flying, spiders....so you are definitely not the only one. I only discovered this about a year ago and it was a complete revelation to me too( thought I was only one lol).

You should be open about it if you feel you can and you may be surprised how common this is with people around you, and bear in mind they will probably be playing it down to.

For me it's the loss of control too when I'm sick as there's nothing you can do to stop it. When I was younger I hurt all the muscles in my throat trying to keep evrything down, I had food poisoning, and fighting it only worked for so long and ended up with a very painful throat for ages afterwards and could hardly swallow long after the sickness had passed.

I think you will be glad you found this site and that you will get to talk to so many people that feel the same. There are site that focus on emmetephobia on it's own, but I find this one much more useful as I feel emmet leads to the deveolpment of so many other things ie fear of travelling, fear of eating out, hand washing etc.

Take care and welcome from a fellow emmetephobe.

13-06-08, 08:40
Hiya Otla, welcome to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You have found a great site with lots of lovely understanding ppl who will give you lots of support/advice/reasurance. Hope to talk to you soon in chat.

take care.


19-11-08, 19:02
Hi Otla,
I have just joined this site today! Reading your story was as if I had written it for you. You use exactly the same words I use, right from sheer panic!! I am 20 now and I have had this phobia soo long, I remember definitely from 10 years old, but I believe it goes way further back. It would be great to talk to you.
Bethan x

20-11-08, 13:11
hey otla welcome to NMP, i have only just joined the site within the last week or so and like u i have emet aswell as agoraphobia due to the emet and of course suffer with sever anxiety due to the emet,so i totally know how u feel as i cant even leave the house at the moment that's how bad its got...but i'm hoping i'll be able to work thru it like i did b4,i was agoraphobic for 2 yrs b4 and got back on my feet for another 2 yrs b4 my father passed away and since then things have steadily gone down hill,i always keep striving even when i have my bad days but its so nice to hear of other people in the same situation as u as it makes u not feel alone..not that u would wish emet on anyone as u cant escape it,its not like spiders or heights where u can avoid it,i find emet is with u day in day out.hope this site helps u a lot and look forward to catching u maybe in the chat room
take care vicky x

20-11-08, 13:21
Hi Otla,

welcome to nmp

21-11-08, 09:30
Hi and a big welcome to NMP its great to have you here, hope to see you in chat sometime,

Take care

Emma xxx

22-11-08, 03:40
Hi there and welcome along to NMP

Pooh x