View Full Version : having Anxiety & so TIRED!!

15-04-05, 20:52
Hello all
It has been a while since I have shared on this site. I have been doing fine. I have had excellent days and so-so days. This week on Tuesday when I got up to go to work I felt somewhat weird but I ignored it. I came to work but felt sluggish and edgy. Around 11:30 AM I was working on my computer when all of a sudden my left arm felt weird, very heavy and I felt a pressure in the elbow area (I don't have arthritis), this had never happened before so I started feeling anxiety right away, my stomach turned, I felt naseaus, dizzy, my heart started racing. I thought, "Okay, it is only a feeling, I am okay, it will go away"> I went to the restroom and came back to my desk. The feelings subsided a little but I felt so tired all of a sudden I decided to go home. All this time I am MAD :( at myself for continuing to have anxiety. I am doing the self-talk on my drive home but I decided to call my doctor because the sensation on my left arm had not left. She went through the usual questions and told me to take some ibuprofen and if it did not go away, I should go to the ER. I got home, took the meds and took a short nap. My sister called me and I told her what happened, she scared me cause she told me that the syptoms could be signs of mini-strokes! Well that got me going and scared and depressed. I told my husband and he took me to the ER. We were there for over 3 hours and I was give a clean bill of health. Perfect heart, no diabetes, etc. That gave me peace of mind. It has now been 3 days since then and I still feel edgy, like I am going to have an anxiety attack and I am scared of it but at the same time I want it to happen to just get it over with. I am afraid of loosing my mind, of being hospitalized, dying, leaving my children, who will care for them. Of course I know none of this will happen, it is only the scary thoughts. I try to not entertain them and let them float away from me. I feel that I handled this last episode alot better but I am still scared of having another one. What if I never get better, why can't I be strong, why won't this go away. I worry about my son because he is so much like me and he has learned the worried feelings from me and he is only 10 years old. Now he is going to a therapist, at least I am getting him help right now. I can't wait til the end of this work day so that I can go home. [V] I hate this! I also see a therapist and psychiatrist for medication but I am tired of the meds! Has anyone tried the natural supplement called Serenity? One person I chat with raves about it but the scariness in my won't let me try it. Thank you for letting me share and I apologize for this being so long.
Take care


15-04-05, 21:06
Hi Marilu

How you felt is down to symptoms of a panic attack and it isnt just metal problems it is physical and many of us here have suffered them. I have been where you are, questioning am i having a stroke, am i going mad, will they lock me away but its the adrenalin making our minds work over time. Then once we calm down we have that deep fear waiting for the next time it rears its ugly head. You coped and did the right things, you have being given a clear bill of health, so focus on that next time you feel anxious and remember that it is anxiety and nothing more.

You take care of yourself.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

15-04-05, 21:24
Hi there,
Sorry you are having a bad time right now, as said you have done all the right things and seem to understand what's happening to you, the main thing is that you have been given a clean bill of health, which is very re-assuring. Try to relax and accept that it is 'only' anxiety and will not hurt you, you will not have a stroke you will not have a heart attack, it's just panic rearing it's ugly head again.You said on the day that this happened you felt slightly off colour, everyone has their off days, but because we are so aware of every ache, pain etc. our minds tend to take over, not good. Take things easy, try to relax and keep in touch

15-04-05, 22:29
**My sister called me and I told her what happened, she scared me cause she told me that the syptoms could be signs of mini-strokes! **

How completely inconsiderate of her. You had told her you'd already spoken to your doctor. She just completely undermined all the wonderful work you had done on underreacting and playing things out rationally.

You did everything right but she reacted completely innappropriately.

You now need to reward yourself for managing well and better than last time, take a breath and get back to being as good as you were as actually nothing has changed. Chin up ..

Those scary thoughts have no place to grow now so discard them as scaremongering (just like your sister) and you can get over this minor blip quickly.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-04-05, 23:00
Hey Marilu,
Sorry you've had a rough time. It's so annoying when we fall into that cycle of reading situations in the most catastrophic way possible - i'm doing the exact same thing right now (oh my god, i've got a cold, i feel a bit dizzy, must be something terrible wrong with me! etc).
Try and focus on the fact that you have been given a clean bill of health, nothing wrong with you etc. And ignore any diagnosis offered to you by anyone who's not your doctor!
take care,
henri x