View Full Version : new to NMP, having a baaad night!

11-06-08, 02:29
Hi guys, i've posted this on the health anxiety bit of the forum but it would fit better here so...

Been going through 2 months of pretty life-altering anxiety after I scared myself one weekend. It all started when I got drunk and tried a drug for the first time. stupid I know, but I don't intend on ever doing it again so go easy on me... :yesyes:
I was fine in the days that followed apart from the shame of what i'd done, until I had a scare one night over having cancer because of a feeling i'd had in my bowels for years, which turned out to be IBS. It really scared me though and I was just lying awake trembling the whole night.
The next day after I'd been checked out I noticed i felt a bit different mentally, like a tired unfocused feeling which hasnt gone away since. If i worry about a part of my body the feeling almost goes away, or at least i dont notice it, but when i calm down i notice it more and more until I just feel the need to close my eyes.

The 2 weeks following my scare were followed by regular trips to the doctors to make sure what I took hadnt damaged my brain and they reassured me it was just anxiety.

To add, tonight has been terrible. Felt uncoordinated and dazed all day and managed to get to sleep at around 11pm until waking at 2:15am and now i'm just so scared about having a brain tumour its making me sick. It almost feels like my eyes are rolling round in my head when try to sleep. :weep:
I just dont know what to do anymore, i really dont.

11-06-08, 08:06

I am Emira and a fellow HA sufferer. When my HA was really bad, and I was convinced I had a problem with my heart, I had all the symptoms you described. I felt like I was not part of this world. I used to walk around the supermarket and just feel really spaced out, totally bizarre.

If you look around on the forum there are plenty of us who suffer from this kind of symptom from time to time, its just weird isn't it.

anyway you will meet loads of fabulous people on here, and the advice is great, so :welcome: to NMP


milly jones
11-06-08, 13:25
hi, i think i answered ur original post

welcome to nmp

milly xx

11-06-08, 13:46
hi i have ha aswell its awful but theres loads on here who have it who can you talk to

11-06-08, 15:21
Hello Leed And Welcome....wish You Well......linda

11-06-08, 20:05
Hi Leedsmeister and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way. I'm sorry to hear you're going through a bad patch and hope you feel better soon.

Take care,

Mike :)

12-06-08, 09:49
Hello :smile: and welcome to NMP.

You will find lots of useful advice on here and will also meet people who truly understand how you are feeling.

Kaz x

13-06-08, 08:41
Hiya, welcome to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You have found a great site with lots of lovely understanding ppl who will give you lots of support/advice/reasurance. Hope to talk to you soon in chat.

take care.
