View Full Version : RAGE

11-06-08, 12:19
Sometimes feel that rage builds up so much inside theres an primal animal inside escaping.
When things are shit like am unemployed and can get very negative and become very suspicous of little things echoes of intrusive thoughts, people dont know acting a certain way and things beyond my control.
Used to get so bad would rip skin, bang head, go in a mood for dark mood for ages the shadow personality shining through making life miserable for partner aswell.
Now when it gets bad will break something or this is bit extreme but like the hulk will rip apart t shirt am wearing just there and then once when was queueing up for something was so anxious and annoyed began to rip in front of everyone but just about managed to control it god knows how that must of looked to someone else.
Dont like doing it but theres something about it that feels good like a realease am not an easy going person which is probably clear but its not easy when everything feels so OVERWELMING and POWERFUL.
Of course its not rational and shouldnt do it but its a struggle at times not to.

11-06-08, 12:27
Hi breakingoutthistime,

Your symptoms are very much a variation on a theme.As Anxiety sufferers we are accustomed to taking things to the very edge-whatever the edge may be.Recognising this is the starting point for treating it.If you think about it,if you were to channel the energy you use up in a rage into positive action, what would the outcome be?
Recovering from all our forms of Anxiety is dependent on change from within-no one else can do this for us.
Focus on being positive.
Focus on getting rid of the anger before it causes you pain whether by distraction or by challenging it.
Best wishes,

12-06-08, 13:02
Thanks Chalky the focusing in on postive change is what really need to do.
Alot of what feel and do is anxiety provoked, if had something like a boxing bag etc could use that energy on that.
Challanging the anger is very hard because it consumes so much of my time, but its not worth hanging on to.
Thanks again Chalky.

milly jones
12-06-08, 13:08
i use a pillow so i dont hurt myself, sorry for butting in

milly x

12-06-08, 13:51

I know where you are coming from. See some of my recent posts about "losing it" in public. The worst thing is the way people scowl at you in contempt, although it's a natural reaction. Some people say to me, "You have to learn how to control your temper, that's what the rest of us do", which just makes me even angrier because such people clearly have no idea what having a temper really means. I'm not saying we should fly off the handle whenever we feel like it, but beyond a certain point controlling it just isn't an option.

Occasionally I've been driving with my dad in the passenger seat, and I've honked or shouted at inconsiderate drivers, and my dad said, "It's not healthy to behave like that", but as far as I'm concerned it IS healthy to express anger - what's UNHEALTHY is keeping it in. Once I've let it out, I can relax again.

I'm not saying that I feel other people just have to learn to live with my temper - if I believed that, it wouldn't be a problem. On the contrary I'm ashamed of it. But whereas other people see the problem as being me expressing rage, for me the problem is experiencing the rage in the first place.

As for a solution, well if I knew one I wouldn't be here! I think an angry personality is basically that of a "doer", a person who wants to address problems directly, and who has a fair bit of energy to spare. Somehow people like us have to learn to channel our energy and anger rather than just let it control us. I can see that your circumstances don't help you, as mine often work against me. You need something positive in your life to build on to counteract the rage. When did your problems start? Was there anything that triggered them? When you were a child, did you have them, or did they emerge later in life?


16-06-08, 14:23
hi, breakingoutthistime,
I know how you feel, when ever i have to go out, I'm always on edge and feel that people are going to have a go at me and i know that if someone did I would give them a right mouthful.:mad:

16-06-08, 15:42
Hi all - I've experienced anger and agression too, and its linked directly to my anxiety. Its the build up of adrenaline that leads us into the "fight or flight" mode.

While some people get all sorts of other symptoms, like shakes, feeling dizzy, breathlessness etc, for some of us our adrenaline fuels anger and potentially rage. Also if you don't follow the "flight" route (which isn't helpful as its negative reinforecement), and end up in "fight" mode with no outlet, then you just get angry with yourself and others around you. 99% of the time this is unjustified - and yes I am one of the people that shout at other drivers.

The best thing to try and combat the anger side I've found is going to the gym or exercising. While I haven't been to the gym for quite a while now (its too easy for me to make an excuse not to go) I do exercise each day. This can be anything from walking to painting the house (I'm covered in gloss as I type). Last week I spent half the week hacking down 4 foot nettles and brambles with a garden hoe. Yes I could of used a strimmer, but it took a lot more out of me swinging the hoe and made me feel better afterwards.

Might sound insignificant, but exercise burns adrenaline and reduces stress, while also producing endorphines which are the body's feel good chemicals. They also have a punching bag at my local gym, so if you did go for that a bit of bag work would certainly help.

Part of my own anxiety hinges directly on how other people act (ques / traffic jams), think about me or what / how they say something. I've learned not to let this bother me as much as it used to, and I'm certainly a lot calmer for it. The reality is I can't control things beyond my control, and when I stopped trying to thats when the change started. Its a gradual thing changing the way you think, but certainly something that can be achieved.


02-07-08, 17:21
i know what u mean,
i get so angry i smash things up and just lose it.
iam trying to stop slowly because i have a son
and its not good for him to see or copy
its so hard to stop tho because ive allways
had a anger problem but social anixety
makes it worse.
it like starts from something small and i just
think of other things that wind me up
like how my life is held back from my illness
and i just explode in a short burst then i feel really
guilty because my girlfriend gets a bit frieghtend
or my son may hear me or see me.
its hard

02-07-08, 17:41
hiya i too suffered anger and it was all surpressed inside ready to burst and through my CBT i have been able to fins the causes of my anger and why its there and when it started and now i understand more and the talking has helped loads, so i recommend it to anyone with anger/anxiety

05-07-08, 16:58
I don't know if this is the same thing. But I get really flippin irritable sometimes for no apparent reason. I just wish all the people going about their lives as if there was nothing to be questioned in them, as if it wasn't all a big old farce, would go away.
I don't feel like this often. But, I've felt a bit like it this afternoon. I sometimes have all this frustrated/angry-anxious energy and want to fling my arms about the place and throw things around.
Like I said don't know if it's the same, but it's what I get. Some of it is frustration with myself I suppose and some of it with the world and my lack of control over it. Its apparent lack of applicability to me.

06-07-08, 02:38
i understand where you are coming from, sometimes i get very angry and frustrated. i have to much excess energy i think and it builds up. my friend who also has anxiety gets in dark moods and hits out at ppl. i think everyone needs to let off steam once in a while.

06-07-08, 15:15
hi breakingoutthistime
i know what you mean, i get so frustraited with my self and that frustration turn,s into anger and has to be released. only a couple of weeks ago i stood in my kitchen throwing glasses and cups and plates in to the sink, wow it felt weird but good at the time, oh those smashing sounds lol. but then the clean up op, not good.
i have made a pact with my self now that if i feel this way i go swimming or play tennis with my son. its a possative way of frustration release and burns of that energy, and its good for your health, even though i find it difficult to go out i make myself do it and after i feel so proud of my self, and the dishes are safe:yesyes:.
hope i have been of some help xtafflassx