View Full Version : hello everyone not been on in ages

stevie boy
16-04-05, 11:45
just thought i would say hello to all the new guys and girls that have joined this wonderful site its saturday and im feeling very sick today [V] i have had anxity for about 7 years now and im 25 i dont have the panic attacks like i use too but i still find it very hard to go out the door in case i do i all so suffer from bad ibs which is a real pain in the bum (joke) and i dont sleep at night i have to rely on sleeping pills sorry if im going on a bit its just putting all this down is makeing me feel a bit better today i have to go out with my girlfriends mum and dad for lunch and im have a bit of a panic my tummy is going up and down and all i wanna do is get back in bed and shut it all out of mind any way im not going to do that im going to face it hay its only one day the sooner i get it over with the better it will b anyway il let ya go now thanks for reading this sorry its a bit long take care xxxxx

stevie boy

16-04-05, 11:50
Hi Stevie boy, nice to meet you. Im glad you are so positive even when you obviously find things difficult, wish i could take a leaf out of your book, sometimes find it easier to give in and stay home than go through the upset of going if that makes sense.That doesnt mean I dont try, I do.
I find when I write things down it often helps too.
Hope your day has gone OK>

16-04-05, 11:51
Have a good time out.

At least if its at a restaurant there are plenty of facilities.

What are you doing self help wise to help the IBS ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

16-04-05, 12:16
Hi Stevie boy,

I know how you feel I to suffer badly with I.BS I suss out where all the toilets are where ever I go! I could write a book on the good toilet guide by now! LOL I also get extremely bloated and uncomfortable. The IBS becomes so much worse when your anxious as well huh! Some of the things I use are pepermint capsules or I I rub some fennel aromatherpy oil on my stomach. Or something like loperimide can help stop the urgency.

I hope the meal goes well for you try to relax and distract yourself as much as possible!

Keep up tho positive attitude!

Take care

Love PIP'S X

16-04-05, 16:54
Hiya Steve

Good to see you back here again. I was wondering how you were doing nowadays.

I am still researching sleep so maybe there will be something in that which helps you sleep better then you can get off the sleeping pills.

I am going to moved this post as well - hope you don't mind.


16-04-05, 17:01
Hi Steve

Sorry to hear things are bad at the moment. i understand how you feel. Would be so easy to stay in bed and forget the real world exists. I used to be like you with sleep but doing relaxation and having reiki gradually weaned me off them. I went from sleeping pills to tranqs then gradually reduced the dose. I am glad you are not giving in to the feelings of running away and hope that you enjoy your lunch. Ibs can be quite debilitating so try to relax and like Pips said just know where the nearest loos are.

take care and enjoy


16-04-05, 17:25
hi stevie boy,

hope your day out went ok, and your stomach settled enough for u to relax, we have a really posh new chat room now, you'll have to pop in one night and have a look, hope youe feeling a bit better now xx

kairen x

16-04-05, 17:38
Hi Steve

Nice to hear from you again, but sorry to hear that you're having a bad time. Hope you'll be better soon.
Best wishes.


**See the world more as what it is, less as what you are.**

16-04-05, 22:41
Hi Steve

Good to see you back.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-04-06, 13:30
Hi Steve, wrong post lol

17-04-06, 15:57
This post is a year old now lol!


17-04-06, 20:38
hi stevie, welcome to the forum. sorry to her your not so good at the moment, hope you get sorted soon......if only it were that easy eh? anyway, hopefully you will join us in chat and we can have a good natter! takecare.x.


17-04-06, 21:01
Hi all

No point replying this is an old post from a year ago.


stevie boy
17-04-06, 22:33
lol wow this is a year old now but thanks guys and girls xxxxxxxxx

stevie boy

18-04-06, 16:18
Hi Stevie

Welcome to the forum.

You will find lots of help & support on here.

Take Care


Many People Will Walk
In & Out Of Your Life
But Only True Friends
Will Leave Footprints
In Your Heart

Ma Larkin
19-04-06, 08:48
Hi Stevie, I was laughing my head off at this post! How did it get here after being a year old. Anyway, how are you doing? Only been a sufferer for 12 months, be nice to know how things have been going for you since this year old post.

Take care.

Les, xx