View Full Version : I feel so stupid

11-06-08, 14:18
I've just had to leave work, as for some reason my IBS started playing up as soon as I ate my lunch. I almost had a pa infront of everyone and virtually ran out of the office to come home, I was panicking in the toilet cubicles as I felt too closed in.

I've got home and apart from being a bit spaced out I don't feel too bad, just silly. Instead of riding it out in work I had to run home.

Now I've lost a whole days pay cos I couldn't sit there for an extra couple of hours til my day was done.

I feel so so stupid.

11-06-08, 15:05
Please don't feel stupid. You had a bad day. They happen. Am thinking of you :hugs:

11-06-08, 16:06
dont feel stupid ibs is awful and makes us feel so rough , and to have a pa on top of it is rubbish way to feel hope your feeling a bit better now


11-06-08, 16:11
don't feel silly. I suffer from IBS & when I used to work, I used to beat myself up for having to come home when I only had a few hrs left but beating myself up about it made it worse. Don't try to stress, just focus on feeling better. big hugs. xxx

Neville Mundy
11-06-08, 16:17
Hi Franfhm.

I was wondering if certain food groups triggered your IBS, as you mention it happened after lunch.

Best wishes,


11-06-08, 16:58
Not really, I think I just have a lot going on at the moment - it was all going to come to a head sooner or later

milly jones
11-06-08, 19:05
hey hun,

u have anxiety, an illness, just like a migraine or pulled muscle

sometimes we have to take time off work

health is far more important than work

i know we need to work to pay the bills

but dont be so hard on yourself

this was one day

take care

milly xxx

11-06-08, 20:18
please dont feel stupid.

its something that cant be helped.

i have been signed off of work for a few weeks with panic and anxiety.

i did feel week for having to have time off but now i realise its like any other illness

love mandie x

11-06-08, 20:50
Thanks for your kind messages - have managed to eat a little this evening, keep my strength up.