View Full Version : Star Signs

11-06-08, 15:11
For a wee bit of fun I was just wondering if there is a correlation between star signs and nmp membership.
Go on tick a box lol
Pooh x

Cathy V
11-06-08, 15:13
Hi pooh, cant see any boxes but i'm a leo...but then i think ppl might have guessed that already coz of the way i sometimes roar! :noangel: xxxx

11-06-08, 15:15
LOl was still writing the poll out ahahaha

Cathy V
11-06-08, 15:15
Ok now see the boxes so ive ticked!

11-06-08, 15:34
oh its lookin even stevens at the mo lol

11-06-08, 16:16
Hi Pooh..I am a Capricorn (an old goat :winks: )

Seems us Capricorns are leading the board at the moment.

Kaz xx

11-06-08, 16:27
Another old goat here :D

Neville Mundy
11-06-08, 16:35
Another big cat here!

11-06-08, 17:30
Scorpio , :read: born in the year of the dragon ......:shades:

Regards ,

11-06-08, 17:40
I'm an Aries, born in the year of the monkey lol

Jo xxxxx

11-06-08, 19:48
I am a libra, heard I am meant to be balanced - yeah right LOL!!:roflmao:

11-06-08, 23:10
I'm Virgo.

12-06-08, 02:26
So far if you are an aries you are most likely to be a member of nmp lol And aquarius? surely there is one amongst us hehe

12-06-08, 02:35
Capricorn Here LOL

12-06-08, 02:57
I forgot to say I a sagittarius and apparently my worst rait can be ......tactlessness....as if LOL

milly jones
12-06-08, 10:47
im aquarius,

always crying lol


12-06-08, 12:19
I'm an angry Aries Sun, with a timid and neurotic Pisces Moon :)

The Fool
12-06-08, 16:09
im cancer witch is why im so nervy

12-06-08, 16:50
im taurus a stubborn old bull hehe

13-06-08, 20:02
Im Libra....and far from well balanced lol....more chronically indecisive lol!

Coni X

16-06-08, 00:44
At present the results would indicate that fire and water signs are more likely to be members of nmp, although gemini and capricorn are up there under air and earth signs.

16-06-08, 01:02
At present the results would indicate that fire and water signs are more likely to be members of nmp, although gemini and capricorn are up there under air and earth signs.
Hate to say this but I bet you anything that as more members do the poll, the signs will even out!

I actually think there is something in astrology but there is no correlation between a particular Sun sign and anxiety. I do wonder if you'd find a lot of emphasis on water houses in anxiety sufferers (the 12 houses correspond to the signs of the Zodiac in meaning but represent our experience of life, rather than the personality that others see). Water houses relate to the soul and the flux of emotion and are often associated with the feeling of not being in full control of one's life.

Also there are aspects of the Moon (personal emotion), Mercury (mental activity) and Saturn (apprehension) to consider...

Oo, get me.

16-06-08, 07:39

Francis you are much more informed than me. I'm gonna hand over full analysis of all results to you. lol I had to look up fire, water, earth and air signs on line lol

go Francis x lol

The Fool
16-06-08, 16:18
Hate to say this but I bet you anything that as more members do the poll, the signs will even out!

I actually think there is something in astrology but there is no correlation between a particular Sun sign and anxiety. I do wonder if you'd find a lot of emphasis on water houses in anxiety sufferers (the 12 houses correspond to the signs of the Zodiac in meaning but represent our experience of life, rather than the personality that others see). Water houses relate to the soul and the flux of emotion and are often associated with the feeling of not being in full control of one's life.

Also there are aspects of the Moon (personal emotion), Mercury (mental activity) and Saturn (apprehension) to consider...

Oo, get me.

that is very true as a water sign my self we can be very sensitive and nervy plus rather shy sometimes so its no wonder that alot of us from water signs have anxitey desorder.

16-06-08, 17:34
im aquarius

16-06-08, 18:11
that is very true as a water sign my self we can be very sensitive and nervy plus rather shy sometimes so its no wonder that alot of us from water signs have anxitey desorder.
Actually I was referring to water houses, i.e. the 4th, 8th and 12th houses. These aren't the same as water signs, although they have a similar meaning... it's a bit complicated but I can explain further if you like :)

17-06-08, 10:40
Hey Francis! What do you honestly think? Earth, air, fire or water? Is there one more likely to develop anxiety?

Pooh x

17-06-08, 13:44
Hey Francis! What do you honestly think? Earth, air, fire or water? Is there one more likely to develop anxiety?

Pooh x
It's really not as simple as that. Firstly, it's important to understand that your Sun sign ("star sign") is NOT your whole "personality", it's just one part of your personality. The reason there is such emphasis on Sun signs in the newspapers etc. is just that it's easier to find out your Sun sign than anything else. It just depends on the day you were born.

The Sun represents your ego, the part of your that grows and develops. But almost as important are your Moon sign (your emotional life) and your ascendant (the image you project to the world, your "way of doing things"). There are various tools on the Web that you can use to do birthcharts (there's one at www.astrotheme.fr (http://www.astrotheme.fr) and there's a free program you can download called Astrolog). The Moon changes sign every couple of days, while to find your ascendant you need to know the exact time of your birth.

The ascendant is important because from that you can find out what houses your planets are in. The houses are segments of the sky at a particular time of day: the signs move through the houses over the course of the day.

There are 3 water houses - the 4th (childhood, security, home life), the 8th (crisis, power, awareness of death) and the 12th (transcendence, solitude, powerlessness, surrender). When you have lots of planets in these houses, or major planets like the Sun and Moon, the psychological experiences they represent are likely to loom large in your life. So even if you have an "outgoing" chart with, say, the Sun, Moon and ascendant all in Sagittarius, if the Sun and Moon are in the 12th house you are likely actually to be very introspective - or, put another way, your life experiences will force you to be introspective. However, to other people you might still appear outgoing.

Each sign and house covers a multitude of meanings which are interrelated, so you can't really say that a particular sign is more prone to anxiety than others. For example, one person with the Moon in Pisces (a very sensitive sign) might be easy-going and gentle and loving, while another with the Moon in Pisces might be neurotic and fearful. Which of these will depend on the rest of the chart - or just circumstances at a particular point in life. That said, both those people are likely to be introspective because that's that nature of Pisces. Ditto the other water signs, Cancer and Scorpio. In fact Moon signs are more important in determining your emotional life than are Sun signs.

I can't really explain in detail - it's a big subject and I'd recommend reading several books about it (Sasha Fenton's are quite good for beginners).

I have my own views on why astrology works - I think thoughts and ideas influence the (apparently) material world in very profound ways. But that's another subject!

milly jones
17-06-08, 18:08
wow francis

and i thought it was something u read in the sun on a saturday whilst eating ur cornflakes lol

sorry dont mean to offend, just didnt realise it was that complicated

milly x

17-06-08, 21:13
Pisces here

Sweetpea Jade
19-06-08, 09:42
Another Pisces here

22-06-08, 02:43
Well aries are topping the poll with cancer a close second, So next time I ask someone their star sign in chat and they reple aries....I'm gonna say.....do you know statistically you are more likely to be a member of NMP than any other star sign LOL LOL LOL

22-06-08, 03:43
I'm Pisces - Every emotion cycles round god knows how many times a day ! At times they merge together :blush:

22-06-08, 16:55
Gemini - explains why im like i am lol

02-07-08, 15:33
Leo here! :)

04-07-08, 18:59
Im a little fishy but looking at the results i would say there is defo no clear winner on the anx stakes lol!!!

04-07-08, 19:12
Virgo born on aug 24th some places say Virgo other places say leo :S im confused so i just go with Virgo but not really sure what one i am tbh im just on edge

04-07-08, 19:53
I'm a Virgo, a natural born worrier. I'm surprised, I thought we'd be the majority on here. LOL!

08-08-08, 13:21
My goodness I almost forgot about this thread. It seems like taureans are least likely to be a member of nmp LOL

Anna C
08-08-08, 18:57

Mine is Taurus, but I'm not stubborn - honest!! :D

Anna x

08-08-08, 19:31
Virgo born on aug 24th some places say Virgo other places say leo :S im confused so i just go with Virgo but not really sure what one i am tbh im just on edge

You can find out whether you're Virgo or Leo if you know the time of your birth to the nearest hour or so. Stick your birth details in here:


and you'll get a full chart.


09-08-08, 21:01
Leo here

09-08-08, 23:29
Aquarius here..we seem to be in short supply!

13-08-08, 18:34
Pisces ...and i do love water even rain xxx

13-08-08, 18:35
Virgo (just missed being a Leo), in the year of the Pig.

I never used to believe in astrology, but oh boy, do the characteristics fit me!!!

Analytical, Perfectionist, Cynical, Skeptic, Honest, Loyal.
To a Virgo, everything has it's place, and there is a place for everything. There is only Black or White, Grey doesn't count.
Virgo's often see the worst in others, and of situations, and it may take a while to become good friends with a Virgo, but once a friendship is forged, a Virgo is the most loyal friend you could ever want. Make an enemy of a Virgo, and you'll have an enemy for life. Virgo's need to be in control of their lives and surrounding. Throw a Virgo into a strange situation and he'll analyze it until he fully understands it all. To a Virgo, things HAVE to make sense. Once a Virgo makes up his mind, it takes a lot to change it.

Virgo is a very independent zodiac sign. They are fully able to put their intelligence to use and get things done for themselves. It is possible however that their narrow mindedness causes their creativity to suffer and they may lead regular routine lives. They may dwell too much on the past and over complicate things and this may limit their ability to move forward and confuse themselves.

Virgos are very intelligent, they have an excellent memory and a highly analytical mind. This makes them good investigators and researchers. They also have the ability to probe into a person's emotions and they can often see into people and detect what their motives are. This makes them great policemen or interrogators. Virgos are very good at problem solving, this is what they do best. They are confronted with a problem, they will pick apart the pieces and put it together in the proper order. They are rational thinkers and are good at settling other people's disputes and putting them on the right track for reconciliation. Any position that requires the above features, which is a very long list, is perfect for the Virgo. They keep the world in order.

They need to be organized in their mind, sometimes all their energy is taken from organizing their mind that they have a difficult time organizing their surroundings. They easily look too deep into an issue and over analyze what they percept. Virgo is ambitious and strives to always know more and have more. This is in their eternal quest to bring order to chaos. Even if order is obtained from an outsiders' point of view, Virgo will not be settled for they have a very active mind that is always thinking and can never be silenced. Virgo's major life lesson is to learn to trust in and have faith in the unknown. They have to understand that things in life happen for a reason that is not always known to them, they do not have to always know everything. They need to learn to calm down and not over-analyze a situation or event.

The Virgo man likes a woman who stirs his emotions because he is reluctant to express his own emotions, which he tries and this often causes conflict not just inside himself, but it spills out into the relationship. This man takes patience and understanding. He will not get extremely close so do not try to enter his psyche and become closely entangled, this will make him feel threatened. He needs a classy woman who is not impulsive or unconventional. He leads a predictable life and a predictable woman will make him feel safe. He is perfect for the down to earth, conventional woman. He won't be romantic and sweep you off your feet, but he will be by your side and be very loyal. This man's sensuality comes out with time. For the woman who wants a stable, solid relationship with a visible, smooth sailing future is perfect for the Virgo man.

Venus Calling
14-08-08, 20:55
Scorpio here! :shades:

25-08-08, 19:20
cancer is leading the field wooo

03-10-08, 02:45
Calling all newbies lol get voting

03-10-08, 07:56
I'm Taurus...............an old bull:wacko:

Granny Primark
03-10-08, 09:24
:roflmao: :roflmao: :roflmao:
Me too nanny!!!!
2 old bulls together!

03-10-08, 12:16
Im the bull.with the horn.....s!! lol
by far the superior sign lol

04-10-08, 12:54
I'm a scorpio
Supposed to be adventurous and bold..yeah right :huh:

06-10-08, 21:49
Leo the lion,

kind of ironic considering how weak i feel,



17-12-08, 22:27
Libra!! Very balanced apparently:D xx

07-06-09, 23:19
Capricorn- but a nice angora goat-I'm such a softie !

08-06-09, 22:28
Iam a sagittarius

:whiplash: lol

08-06-09, 23:26
Im Scorpio ,got a sting in my tail lol But very loyal .:D

magpie girl
09-06-09, 19:50
im a pisces that must be why i love water so much.

09-06-09, 21:36
Hi, I am a cancerian, looks like we are in the lead, well we are a sensative lot !! interesting poll

10-06-09, 10:51
:hugs: I thought there would have been distinctive hi's and lo's in this poll:blush:
I am Gemini and for a long time have thought that "twin" birth sign gave me a "Twin" personality. i can be very cool and confident in some situations:yesyes:
And a quivering wreck in others:weep:
I was very good at hiding my PA's and until the last 5 years very few peple had any idea how bad it could be.

10-06-09, 11:23
Im a sagittarian...half man half horse licenced to sh1t in the street hahaha :)

10-06-09, 22:10
I am a Leo but definatley not a typical leo, more like a pussy cat than a lion!

12-07-09, 22:49
I'm an Aries and an April fool!!

14-07-09, 00:09

16-07-09, 17:45
Some newspapers have me as Scorpio and in others I'm a Libra...no wonder Im confused!!!

29-07-09, 18:41
I am cancer the crab, emotional and often hide in my shell. x

30-07-09, 01:23
Hi, I'm an aires too - we're currently 3rd!!!!!!!!

17-08-09, 16:05
O its all very even!