View Full Version : Medication a good idea?

11-06-08, 19:17
Hi guys.

im relatively new on here, have only posted a couple of times.

I've suffered with anxiety and a few panic attacks for the last 6 months, and have this past week been really struggling with things a lot. Originally i was utterly terrified with all the feelings and symptoms of anxiety and was housebound. However gradually i managed to sort my head out a little and improved considerably to the stage where i was confident of making a recovery by now. I still had a lot of anxiety, but it was managable.

However i had a panic attack last thursday, which i controlled, and since then ive just been feeling awful, with that overwhelming sense of dread and fear hanging over me again which id almost forgotten was like. I've been feeling thoroughly miserable, and although im not afraid of panic or anxiety, im just getting sick and tired of the huge impact its having on me. I just feel completely consumed by it at the moment.

A couple of months ago my doctor told me to consider SSRIs, which i flatly refused mainly out of pride, and also out of concern of what they might do to me. Ive read of a few cases where theyve helped a lot, and other cases the opposite. Basically im just asking people what experiences people have with them? What are they actually like? Do people think they work? Im seriously considering going on them now because im really struggling at the moment!

milly jones
11-06-08, 19:50
hi mr tom

i was diagnosed with sa and gad and i tried for several years to do without meds.

i eventually had a breakdown and got to such a low i was begging the hospital to help me.

i now take their advice and meds.

there are clearly two school of thoughts on nmp

to take meds or not

everyone has their own opinion.

nobody can tell u what the effects good and bad may be.

all u can do is investigat as u are doing

reading some of the old threads on various meds helped me when i was considering a change in meds recently

basically i dont think id be alive without my meds at the moment, i think they help me understand the world more rationally, and help me slow down enough to start to see the joy in life again

hope this helps a little

milly xx

11-06-08, 19:59

As Milly says no one can really advise on whether you should take them or not other than your doctor and/or therapist. I would say do carefully consider going on them. There is a section on this website about medication and on the forum as well, have a read of what people say and think about them. Bare in mind though people are more likely to write when they are feeling bad then when they are feeling good.

All the best


12-06-08, 10:36
Hi Mr Tom,

Medicate or not to medicate, that is the question!
Do some research, talk to your Dr and work out if you can carry on as you are or need a little help. Medication can give you a break while you work on the why and how to deal with your panic. I've found it doesn't work on it's own and a combination of medication and therapy seems to give the best results. There is no shame in taking meds and it's not a failure to do so either.
I wish you well and hope that what ever your decide that you get well soon