View Full Version : Is this OCD part of anxiety?

24-11-03, 15:32
Hi, Not sure if this is OCD or not but it occured or definately got worse since having anxiety and panic. At night time I have to check the plugs over and over again, especially the cooker, I have to turn all the knobs off and check its off at the mains/wall. i then count all the things I have supposed to have checked, plugs, switches, because I have a fear of somewhere catching fire whilst i'm alseep. i check the window keys are near my bed every night incase my family need to escape if a fire happened. Also where food is concerned I have to check sell by dates, also products incase I may be allergic, although I havn't had any allergys yet. When my husband is cooking I worry that he hasn't cooked them properly. Why do I worry so much?

Debbie Theakstone

24-11-03, 15:42
Hiya Debbie,

I have a problem with thinking I am allergic to things (which I know I'm not!!) all I can say is do not avoid things because of it or the problem will get 100 times worse (I don't think that is OCD but Anxiety)
I think the checking is OCD have you been to the doctors to discuss (i'm no expert)


24-11-03, 16:16
Thankyou Lucky for replying. I have been to the Dr's for my anxiety nd its many many symptoms, when I original told my Dr everything it was straight after having a baby so he said possibly PND, and I assummed OCD cause I read lots about it, but then I was diagnosed with Generalised Anxiety Disorder after seeing a Psychiatrist to diagnose me properly. I suppose I just put it down to anxiety but reading some OCD post I wondered if it is seperate or all associated.

24-11-03, 16:21
Hi Minnie,

I think you've got anxiety and we're good at being anxious about our own and our familys health and welfare and can get a little obsessive about it but this does not consitute an OCD diagnosis.. It's more excessive risk management !

OCD is much more restrictive than this ie cleaning the same tiles for 4 hours straight. Your shower taking 3 hours as you keep getting out and having to get back in, having hysterics if someone fiddles with your jars in the kitchen etc

However it would do you good to perhaps make a check list and do it all once as thoroughly as you like, tick/sign them off and then insist you leave it alone.

If you get really worried check your list for the tick or signature and refuse to allow yourself to check it again for a period of time (set by you) and extend that time over a few days. In the meantime distract yourself with getting immersed in something else.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

25-11-03, 08:50

I was desplaying anxiety symptoms previlus to having my wee boy but after i had him then i got really bad and they put it down to pnd. I think having a baby was just anotther 'stress' (even though it didn't feel like it!!
