View Full Version : Guilt

11-06-08, 20:06
Hi everyone

Today I have been feeling anxious and just generally a bit wierd. I am going to be very honest here which also means I am being honest with myself. Last year around this time I was at a party. It was just before my birthday. I took some drugs. I didn't do drugs often but did do them occassionally at the odd party, I haven't taken anything since. Anyway the next morning I had my first panic attack. I don't put it down to the drugs as I had a lot of stress in my life at the time but I do think the exhaustion from the party and weakened immune system had an effect.

I stood on the balcony gasping for breath, paced up and down and lay in bed in full panic mode. I was convinced I had done some serious damage to myself and was going to die. I was racked with guilt, thoughts of my family's upset rushed through my head.

Anyway that was last year. Last saturday it was my birthday. I had been out 5 nights in a row. On saturday night I drank way too much at my birthday bash and ended up being sick outside the cab window and not being able to walk. I was fine, my boyfriend got me home. All my friends laugh it off saying that it was my birthday. I felt so sick the next day I wondered whether I had alcoholic poisoning and whether I was going to die. All the guilt and anger at myself from the previous year came flooding back.

Whilst I didn't have an attack I have felt anxious since. How do we dispell this guilt. For fear of making this read too long and boring, I am going to write another one asking another question....

12-06-08, 03:42
By learning the art of forgiveness and putting past mistakes down to experience. You cannot change the past but you've learnt by your mistake. Now it's time to forgive yourself.:hugs:

12-06-08, 10:45
You made a mistake - we all make mistakes at some time or other. You can look at what happened and choose to release the feelings of anger and guilt. We all learn a little compassion and humility from emotional pain which allows us to become a better person. Thanks for sharing this with us - by doing so you have helped others. You can move on now free of guilt and anger, and be the person you really are.
be kind to yourself

milly jones
12-06-08, 11:24
hey i make mistakes daily and am constantly beating myself up

everybody does make mistakes tho hun

learn and move on

thanks for ur honesty

best wishes

milly xx

12-06-08, 11:29
hey we all make mistakes all the time in life and we always continue to learn from life experiences, it was your birthday and u had fun and got too drunk it happens so do not beat your self up about it, it has happend to me a few times and hubby had to help me home. things always happen for a reason whether good or bad and the bad just tell us that this is a bad move mayb you shouldnt do it again, then we become alittle stronger from it as time goes on. hey i am iron women these days hehe dont worry its in the past just think of your future hun. hugs xx

12-06-08, 11:34
Hi Hun!! I make those mistakes nearly every time I go out! Alcohol and drugs are the worst things when it comes to feeling anxious and panicky. I know how your feeling cos every time I have a big night out I feel that way for days after makes me wonder why I do it as I know how bad I will feel after, but at the time when Im having fun i brush it to one side and think I will worry about it later..and I do:-) Keep ya chin up its all a learning curve xxxxx