View Full Version : Alternative things to think about...

11-06-08, 20:11
When I am occupied I hardly feel anxious. When I am work my anxiety is between a 0-2/10, at home doing stuff a 1-4/10. But when I am walking to work my mind goes off on a tangent. I walk to work for 30 mins and back each day. Today I was obsessing about the possibility of feeling sick (see my thread entitled guilt). There was one time when i used to say I had an 'anxiety of the week'.

I want ideas for other things to think about? An outsiders prespective would be good.

Quite simply what can i think about when I am walking to work which won't make me anxious?



11-06-08, 23:28
Don't know if it'll work for you, but could you try things like counting cars you pass, or the number of red cars, or people, etc etc. Something to think about, takes your mind off other things as you're focussing on the counting. Hope this helps! x

12-06-08, 03:21
A bored mind becomes an anxious mind because boredom and routine allow us to think about negative thoughts.

I've often seen people walking with earpieces listening to the radio or music. I'm sure that helps to focus the mind, just as long as it doesn't stop you being aware of traffic!:scared15:

When I'm out I'm always thinking about what I need to do when I get to my destination(s).

I also find giving yourself something to look forward to after work or at weekends can also help.

Matty H
12-06-08, 06:04
I like the idea of listening to music on your way to work. And if it's possible maybe turn that walk into a jog. Since exercise is a great way to focus on exerting energy and you also get the benefit of feeling healthier which can also curb health anxiety. If you don't wanna feel gross and sweaty at work all day you can save the running for after work. You don't have to sprint or go crazy or anything. Just enough to keep you focused on your pace and breathing, and not about negative health issues. I'm not sure what kind of job you have, but maybe in the morning spend time planning/organizing your day at work.

12-06-08, 07:59
id suggest listening to music and thinking of completely random stuff it helps, like what if i went to work today and told the boss to do one and made an escape to mexico where u make a new living busking with a dancing monkey called pete and every weds theres a parade thru the streets where people are getting drunk and having fun on big inflatable animals with wheels,

apparently some people might think that anyway :) lol

milly jones
12-06-08, 11:18
hi m im the other way

i get anx at work but walking helps relieve it

i walk with my dogs but guess thats impractical for u

i couldnt have music cos that would wind me up

i like hard walking so my legs burn and i concentrate on working my body hard

i let my mind wander as i think for me its a good time to empty out things as i walk

guess were all different hun

take care

milly xx