View Full Version : Hello all

16-04-05, 18:01
Hi, I just found this great site today. I have been reading through a lot of the forum posts and it helps to know I'm not alone.

I started having anxiety problems and panic attacks 5 yrs ago.
My doctor put me on Seroxat which did seem to help for about 6 months, but then they started to make me feel more anxious and very sick. After 4 yrs of being on this drug I decided I'd had enough and weened myself off it over a 3 month period by taking the liquid form and dropping dosage gradually.

After being out of work for 4 yrs, I decided to get a job after moving to a new place and I was starting to feel better. Things started well enough, felt good to meet new people and to be working again but then the anxiety/panic started again. I don't think it helped that the job was a stressful one and involved working long hours w/o a break.

I started to feel very insecure, nervous and blushed a lot when people talked to me, stammering became a problem too so in the end I just decided not to speak at all most of the time. I had my good days and bad days but the bad were starting to outweigh the good.

I decided to seek help from a hypnotherapist hoping that would be the answer (although a costly one). After the 1st session I felt great for the first couple of days, confidence was back, less blushing, speaking more, but then seemed to revert back to my anxious ways after the 3rd day.

Second session went well too, but same thing happened, fine for a few days then back to anxious ways. I just couldn't afford to keep paying the costs of these sessions so didn't go back.

I have now left the job, worked my notice, and am now unemployed. I have a form from the DSS that says I have 52 weeks to go back onto Incapacity Benefit from the day I started work, but I would have to get a SS1 sickness form from the employer. Problem is I didn't leave the job stating it was through sickness, I just handed in my notice and left after the notice period.

I am now sat in my flat with 2 weeks to find rent money, I have not went to the DSS because I doubt I will be able to get back my benefit, I am at my wits end!

I still use the hypnotherapy tape I was given by the hypnotherapist, which does seem to help me get out of bed and motivated, but I am still very shy and anxious and this money problem is not helping. I will just have to find other work and grin and bare the problems I have.

I just don't know if I can cope with all this, my life feels so ****ty at the moment. I sometimes feel I just want to end it all but I know I won't.

Sorry for the long introduction but it feels better to get it all off my chest as I have no friends to turn to.

Take care all, I will stay in touch.

What I thought was true before were lies I could not see,
What I thought was beautiful were only memories.

16-04-05, 18:06
Hi Uzi

Welcome aboard the forum.

Sorry to hear about all your problems at the moment. It won't help the stress levels having to worry about paying the rent either. Have you thought about contacting the citizens advice bureau for some help on money issues.

I guess you will need to get some sort of work - even if it is part-time to help pay the bills.

You will get loads of support on here and we will do all we can to offer you some advice.

Try reading Meg's First Steps post under the Welcome topic, there may be something on there that you could try.

Hope to hear some more from you.


16-04-05, 19:17
hi uzi, sorry to hear your problems and hope u find some help here. Can you go to your GP and get a sick note and explain to him that you left your job becouse of your anxieties? I would go to the DHSS and explain to them to Or phone to make and appointment or even write them? I dont know but could you even try citizens advice or a social worker even. hope u feel better soon. Vernon

16-04-05, 20:16
hi uzi,
sorry to hear you've been having such a rough time of it recently. this is a fantastic website, everyone is so helpful and i think if you get involved it will definitely help with your panic/anxiety.
as for your money situation, i think nic and vernon have given you sound advice. it's probably the last thing you want to do, but if you can find some kind of even part time work, at least it will solve your money problems for a while and give you one less thing to worry about.
i know it must be really hard for you right now. take care and let us know how you get on,
henri x

16-04-05, 21:00
Hi Uzi

Welcome to the forum and the next positive part of your life. You really do need to get some help and advice about your financial situation and I think the CAB is the best place. You must go to the DSS and explain your situation also go to your Gp who may be able to help with the ss1.
I hope that you find solice soon. Take care and know that we are all here to help and advice you and give you a caring push in the right direction.

take care


16-04-05, 21:36
Hi Uzi
Sorry to hear about your problems, I just want to let you know that you're not alone and you said that you don't have friends to turn to, turn to us, we can become your friends. You'll find loads of support here and many people who understand.
I really do hope you 'll find solutions soon and that you 'll feel better too.
Best wishes.

Florence. x

**See the world more as what it is, less as what you are.**

16-04-05, 22:26
Hi Uzi

Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear about your current problems. I agree that the money situation won't be helping your anxiety. The Citizens Advice Bureau can help with advice about this and also about benefits.

I also have a problem with speaking, due to social phobia and avoided talking whenever I could for a number of years. This just makes the problem worse. Have you seen your doctor to ask for referral to a counsellor for help with this?


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-04-05, 21:08
hi all, thanks for all your kind words and support, it's good to know other people are willing to help others with problems instead of being selfish.

I have spoke about my problems to a select few people that I have thought would be understanding but they have always seen it as me just being a pushover and used it against me. I guess it's a hard thing to understand unless you have been through it yourself.

If someone approaches me with a problem I will try to help or at least be a shoulder to lean on but it always seems being the caring, helpful, non self centered guy I am that seems to push others away or gives them the feeling I can be walked all over. As they say, the nice guys always finish last...

As for my money situation I have asked for an appointment with my doc, but the closest appointment I can get is 2 weeks away (unless I am dying with a life threatening disease), which doesn't help me at all. I will try the CAB on Tues (public holiday here tomorrow).

There has to be a way out of this, I just have to find it...

Thanks again, stay well, and speak soon.


What I thought was true before were lies I could not see,
What I thought was beautiful were only memories.

17-04-05, 21:17
Hi Uzi

Welcome to the site and pleased you have seen how people can help you. Sorry your appointment is so far away but isnt that the case nowadays. Yes i agree until you have been where we are it is hard to understand, but on the other hand people should care and at least support people in this situation, but it is still a narrow minded illness to those who havent even suffered.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-04-05, 22:39
Hi uzi,
I know how feeling anxious can be, and the world seems so daunting. I know the others have advised you to go to citizen's advice which is a fab idea. What i think would be really good. Is if you could manage at least 16 hours of work a week, i know the you can still get help from the DSS in paying your bills! It is so important to try and keep busy at least these hours could be split through the week and would give you time to get yourself back on track! Plus give you some structure to your day!

Please remember that we are all here, and that we are your friends who understand and empathise with you.
Take care and we are always here

smiler xoxo
