View Full Version : Reflux/Acid indigestion tips?

12-06-08, 08:23

I seem to have been really suffering with this over the last few weeks - stress related. Nasty acid burning feeling in my throat, keeps making me want to heave and lots of general indigestion pain in my rib cage.

Other than drinking gaviscon every minute of the day, does anyone have any tips? Are there foods etc that make it worse? Is my intuitive response of drinking milk all the time actually doing any good or making it worse?

Any suggestions appreciated


12-06-08, 08:30
I was advised by the doctor not to drink milk for this. I am on Lansoprazole (as is my sister-family trait stomach problems). Spicy food, foods that are too hot, foods with lots of seeds, I am afraid it is trial and error in most cases. I love flying saucers but these are full of sherbet so :ohmy:

But you might find Bicarbonate of Soda in water will help as it neutralises the acid in your stomach. :)

12-06-08, 09:27

I seem to have been really suffering with this over the last few weeks - stress related. Nasty acid burning feeling in my throat, keeps making me want to heave and lots of general indigestion pain in my rib cage.

Other than drinking gaviscon every minute of the day, does anyone have any tips? Are there foods etc that make it worse? Is my intuitive response of drinking milk all the time actually doing any good or making it worse?

Any suggestions appreciated


Hi Gabby, have you seen the doctor? You could get some medication to help you. Like Trixie, I'm currently on Lansoprazole which does help, however I want to get to the bottom of my indigestion so have been for a few tests, I expect the next one will be the camera down the throat - eek! :ohmy:

12-06-08, 12:56

Thanks guys :)

I think I was given lanzo-thingummyjig a while back- will see if I still have some left.

Havent seen doctor cos I get stress triggered IBS anyway so guess am kinda used to having digestive probs. If it carries on into next week then Ill make an appt


12-06-08, 13:34
Hi Gabby,

My partner has been on Lansoprazole in the past, and recently we've found that Rennie Dual-action (silver box) is really effective, so if you can't find/get any Lansoprazole, maybe you could give that a try :winks:

Hope you're feeling better soon anyway :)

12-06-08, 14:21
eat less spicy foods also cut out onions and garlic, try more calming foods such as milk and yoghurt. try omeprazole this helps to reduce the amount of acid the stomach produces.

12-06-08, 14:36
Hi Gabby

Yeah i have suffered this off and on for years.

Try to avoid citris fruits, spicey food and fizzy drinks.

Also this is a great tip if anyone suffers this during the night. Try raising the head of your bed by putting some books under each end, By staying slightly raised, it stops the acid just lying in the stomach all night. (my doc's tip) and it does really work.

I take Zantac for mine as i'm allergic to Lanzopranol.

Good luck

Love Lisa

12-06-08, 15:43

My doctor told me the same thing and as you say, it does work.

When I used to come hoe from work I'd have stomach pains and at night I used to get terrible stomach cramps but couldn't understand why until the doctor told me it was a build up of acid due to stress.

As has been mentioned, the doctor can prescribe a tablet that helps to ease it.:hugs:

12-06-08, 16:48
Hi Bill

Yeah that advice was a god send to me because i'd be awake all night with chest pains and always thought i was having a heart attack it was so severe, Raising the bed was great and i started to get more sleep and woke up less often.

Love Lisa

13-06-08, 08:28
Thanks peeps :hugs:

am off to a wedding tomorrow with a large stock of pills and potions and your advice in my head cos i want to be able to enjoy the posh food without ending up doubled over!!

G x

27-06-11, 09:26
hi all!
i had symptoms of acid reflux since last year. it comes and goes.

i was precribed omeprazole (Pantoloc), digestive enzymes, and a gas reliever (forgot what it's called). took them but the problem remained.

after much research, i read about how apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon mixed with 1 glass of water, taken after meals) help acid reflux sufferers. i tried that but couldn't say if it worked. i also read that taking acidophilus capsules work. i tried them and they worked for me. i also applied lifestyle changes.

hope you feel better soon.

if you need more acid reflux advice, just e-mail me : nikki.simbulan@gmail.com


07-07-11, 23:53

I know how you feel. Get it checked out!.

08-07-11, 17:08
Hi Lisa
I have got my bed raised as well
I also suffer with Reflux
does anyoine suffer with it in their shoulder blades as well
I take Kalanticon Gell for mine
