View Full Version : tips please guys help

milly jones
12-06-08, 12:26
i got a introductory parents evening looming at my sons new high school.

there will be loads of adults all in a school hall.

im going to have to sit and listen to head talk about september and helping son make the change.

all i can think about is how im going to get there, stay there and listen to him.

last time i went to primary school for xmas play i had a pa in the hall and made a fool of myself

i just dont want to be an embarrassement and let my son down. i want to be a normal mum and be able to help him settle into the new school

its bad enough now cos the primary school know my history of mental illness but i wanted him to have a fresh start. he gets enough stick cos of me as it is

i will be going hopefully with my hb if hes home from work in time

anyone had this and coped?

any tips for not drawing attention to myself but being able to stay?

thanks in anticipation

millyxxx :blush:

ps i promise not to say anything daft to any of the new staff, already learnt that lesson lol

12-06-08, 13:16
Hi milly,

I'm in the same position as you I've got a school meeting with my son at his new high school in 2 weeks, I'm already worked up about it now. You can always sit at the back of the hall and in a seat at the end of a row that way if you need to go outside for a break you can do it without the others noticing. Have you got somebody who can go with you to offer support ? I've also got a meeting at nursery next week but this one will be difficult as my hubby has to work and I've go nobody else to come with me I can't stand the thought of being trapped.


12-06-08, 13:19
Hi Milly

I assume there will be brochures/handouts, etc - could you concentrate on these? Maybe find the longest word, or anything like that, something which takes a lotc of concentration? I also used to wear a hairband around my wrist - gave me something to fiddle with, and the idea is that if you feel panicky, you ping it really hard and the pain sort brings you back to reality. Also, take a bottle of water to sip in case you start getting that dry mouth feeling.

Don't know if these are any use! x

12-06-08, 13:39
Hi Milly

Like lkenny said, i always have an elastic band on my wrist now which i ping if i feel the panic coming on.

Try and get seat near the door and dont forget the water

love mandie xx

milly jones
12-06-08, 13:42
tx ikenny and mandie for ur replies xx

i got a tight jaw just from posting this before

damn anx

milly xx

12-06-08, 14:25
as the school are aware of your problems can you not arange to see the teacher ina seperate room or a seperate quieter time? you can get wrist snaps as a distraction tool, can you go with a relative or friend?

milly jones
12-06-08, 14:30
wow what a great name betsie

i was hoping that the new school would not know as my son has a bad time cos of it.

i could of course tell them but i dont want my difficulties to be the first thing they know about him

thanks for your help hun xxx

12-06-08, 15:49
Hi Milly:D

I think everyone else has just about said all I was going to say:D

Have you tried rescue remedy??

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: for you

Kaz x:hugs:

Cathy V
12-06-08, 15:58
Milly, could you sit at theback of the room near a door so you can just slip out quietly if you feel the need. Also just making the effort to be there will make your son happy, even if you miss bits of whats being said. If you miss too much info im sure the staff would fill you in on a one to one. I know you dont want to seem different by asking for help or what might be considered as special treatment, but ppl with diabilities ask for help for lots of reasons, and we are just as entiltled...we are disabled too for as long as we have this anx and PAs. Its a recognised illness these days mill, and ppl get the same dis. benefits for it as any other disability. Its part of our lives and we cope with it as best we can. Dont feel badly about this, your boy will understand. Us women feel guilty enough about life without beating ourselves up when we are ill. Other ppl will just have to acccept it and that you might need help sometimes.

I really hope you make it, even for part of it coz i know how badly you want to be ther, and it makes me so mad when i thin kof all the parents out there who are just not interested in their kids...this anxiety isnot fair is it?

Best wishes
Cathy xxx :hugs:

milly jones
12-06-08, 15:58
thanks kazzie

i do use it, its always in my bag

millxxx ta xxxx

milly jones
12-06-08, 16:02
thanks cathy

i will be at the back, at the end of the row ready to escape lol

i just wanted him to have a fresh start

he was in infants when i first 'made a fuss' at school

then at juniors i had the xmas incident and some very tearful parents evenings. hes not a bad boy i just couldnt cope with the situation.

i just really want him to have a start where he doesnt have the loopy mother

i do normally let school know that things are difficult at home and that im off sick but try not to go into details, for his sake

anyway, u lot are wonderful

thank you

milly xxxx

12-06-08, 16:55
Hi Milly

I also make sure i sit right at the very back so i can run if i have to lol, but just knowing that usualy makes me feel safer and lass likely to actualy do it. Just remember hun that all these people will be there for the same reason that you are and amongst them will be a good few as nervous as yourself.

I'm sure you will be just fine!

Take care

Love Lisa

milly jones
12-06-08, 17:06
thanks lisa, but no one else with my bald patches lol