View Full Version : Squeeze up everyone..........

12-06-08, 13:28
Another newbie here :D

I actually joined the forum a few months ago, but hadn't got around to posting yet - sorry, but I've just had a lot of stress the past few months, but I think it's mainly sorted out now :)

Anyway, my story :
I'm 31, married with one daughter and hail from the West Mids.
I think I've had social anxiety for about 20 years, but everyone including me just thought I was shy. It wasn't even really that bad up until 6 years ago, when my dad passed away quite suddenly. My mom was left in a mess financially and I then got myself into a mess helping her out, which led to stress and depression, which in turn led to comfort eating. As a result, I put on loads of weight (about 6 stone in 3 years), lost all of my confidence and self esteem, and practically became housebound through agoraphobia, after walking out on my job. Most of the weight piled on after this in fact, due to just sitting around the house all day, eating and drinking alcohol, so the whole situation just spiralled. Because of my poor finances, I also spent my time living in fear and hiding from any callers at the door, as it was usually bad news..........I know that ignoring them just made things worse, but I just couldn't deal with it at the time, it was so embarassing and humiliating.
I also lost friends because I just withdrew and distanced myself from them, not keeping in contact :sad:

I did go to my GP with depression about 5 years ago, but I didn't get much sympathy, and was in and out in 5 minutes with a prescription for Cipralex - which I didn't take because I honestly felt it wouldn't really help and I didn't want to end up dependant on anti-depressants.
I did receive a letter from the mental health unit a while after, but of course my social anxiety, the lack of understanding I'd received from my GP and the embarassment of the whole situation stopped me from going to see them.

In the past 18 months, I have managed to sort out my financial situation and have trained myself to cope a bit better in social situations, plus I have managed to shed a couple of stone, just by sheer determination because I want my daughter to have a happy and normal life.

However, I'm still reluctant to answer the phone or the door and quite frequently have panic attacks (stomach in knots, shallow breathing).
I would like to have counselling, or CBT, or something, but I still feel unable to go and ask for help - plus, I'm concerned that they'll just stick me on meds :scared15:

As well as all this, I have always had a phobia of blood and veins - that's when I get the really bad panic attacks and have almost fainted on more than one occasion. I would have liked to have been a nurse, but I can't even watch Casualty on the telly. This phobia has affected my life so badly sometimes, I've even considered suicide. Anyone else have this?

Sorry for the essay :blush:
I hope that by joining NMP and telling my story that I can give hope/support as well as receive it from others here who have been in/are in a similar situation, as I don't know about the rest of you, but I still have a long way to go................

milly jones
12-06-08, 13:46
dark rose

were all on the same journey hun, just at different points

welcome to nmp

glad u decided to post

milly xx

12-06-08, 14:00
Hi Milly,

were all on the same journey hun, just at different points

Yeah, that makes a lot of sense :D

Thanks for the welcome :hugs:

milly jones
12-06-08, 14:09
hey theres loads of room at nmp for everyone lol

take care millx

12-06-08, 15:10
Hi Dark Rose

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

Cathy V
12-06-08, 16:08
Hey Rose, welcome to nmp. You're not alone now.

Small steps
Cathy xxx :byebye:

12-06-08, 16:47
Thanks Jo and Cathy - I don't feel so alone now :yesyes:

12-06-08, 17:13
hiya and welcome i have been there with financial problems in the past and people knocking and being frightened to answer door of phone, cooking in the dark and trying to keep kids quiet as babies and its horrid. welldone on yr weight loss and getting yourself together cos that is real hard work. i got rid of my depression by exercise walking every day and even now i brisk walk every day and i am much more positive happy, motivated and i lost weight. pm me anytime if u wanna chat xx ps where in midlands r u? im gloucestershire xx

12-06-08, 18:11
Hi Dark Rose,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

12-06-08, 21:54
Hi Dark Rose and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Well done for all the progress you've made recently, you're doing brilliantly. I'm sure if you had CBT and talked to the counsellor about being unwilling to take meds they would be very understanding and do what you're comfortable with.

Take care,

Mike :)

13-06-08, 08:21
Hiya Darkrose, :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes: . You will get lots of supprt/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. im sorry to hear about your dad, well done on sorting your finances out and loseing weight :yesyes: . where in the midlands are you ? im in birmingham. Hope to talk to you soon and pm me if you need to talk about anything. keep posting and we will help you as much as we can.

take care :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:


13-06-08, 10:29
Thanks for the kind words and advice everyone :grouphug:

I'm in Wolverhampton, so not far from Brum really :)

Also feel free to pm me if anyone wants to chat - I've been told I'm a good listener :winks: