View Full Version : London buses

12-06-08, 17:52
Since a couple of months ago I started seeing these posters all over London buses that have a picture of a man with a very tight skin-like belt across his chest and sign that I think says "Doubt Kills".
Now I know that this is meant to raise awareness but do we really need to be constantly reminded that something bad can happen to us? If anything, I think that it scares people into thinking that ANYTHING they feel in their chest is a heart attack. I do have heart related anxiety and all I know is that the first time I saw this thing my reaction was basically panic. I still get anxious when I see that picture. How is that supposed to help me?
Sorry about the rant everyone.

Cathy V
12-06-08, 18:49
Hi nomore, having the same anx as you i do know what you mean but i guess they arent thinking about ppl with a health phobia when they do these things, and i suppose the ppl who are promting the service just want as many ppl as poss to be aware and get checked, even if half of them are false alarms. People who fear cancer would feel the same if they saw a promotion ad for this too.

I was bad if i saw and heard an ambulance...i'd almost pass out with panic to see one hurtling down the road. That fear seems to have gone now tho :)

Best wishes
Cathy xxx

13-06-08, 00:40
I live in the city so I see these posters everywhere, they got to me too.
But I know they're only because the majority of people don't suffer our health anxiety, and a lot don't think enough about their health, which is why unfortunate things happen.
I have chest pains due to anxiety, and have had it checked out. My chest is clear, and I've been told twice by the Doctor it's just anxeity.
So I try to not let the posters get to me any more :)
