View Full Version : really confused, lonely and lost, but glad to be posting on NMP again!

12-06-08, 17:56
I guess every cloud has a silver lining! hehe Even though I have been feeling really confused today and I feel like I need a lot of advice and a loooot of hugs, it really made me feel better when i thought of posting on here again :)

To be honest, I hadn't been coming on here as often (as maybe some peeps had noticed), mainly because i kinda wanted a bit of space and to see if i could steer my life in the right direction a bit by myself. Thing is though I have ended up really confused at the moment and I just need to let it all out! hehe

ok deep breath!

I've been trying so hard recently to go traveling, that was my most recent dream, i really thought it might help me get out there, see new places.. i couldn't wait to get out of the UK as I love hot countries and cultures, and I still can't wait to leave. Thing is though, once again there was this girl I liked and once again we nearly went out (and i thought maybe i wouldn't leave for a while) and she liked me and now once AGAIN i've been hurt =(

So I dunno, now I'm really confused. I mean I've been very lonely for a long time as I've been heartbroken so much, and I feel like I've got this constant sadness and confusion inside myself, which is just not right for me as really I'm a very enthusiastic and happy person. So i just don't know what to do, i really don't :weep:

I look on the net for aaaages on like, dating sites or facebook or whatever because I really want to feel what it's like to be in a relationship again, as I really enjoy them and I don't like being single, particularly not as it's been a matter of years! I mean I've ended a couple of potential rships myself in that time too but usually because of distance.

and there's a part of me that says I should just focus and try to be happy with being single, stand up and like, feel more independent and stronger in myself, i know SO, SO many people seem to be able to do that. I just don't really want to though, i don't feel i enjoy it so much.

oh, and the traveling thing I do still really wanna do! I want to learn to spread my wings and see the world, and be in hotter countries where i can swim in the sea and live in different places and meet new friends :)

I guess that's about it really, but see my situation is I have been spending so so long online doing all these things, and I can't work out how to make them reality, and i'm scared of actually doing some of the bigger things. I feel like life is so big and scary and I don't know where to start. plus anxiety sucks.

Ok i'm gonna wrap this up hehe, but I'm so glad I'm back on here. Oh, and to bring peeps up to speed i am now living with my sister and a friend, and working in Computer Exchange.. and having regular parties and stuff which is good at least, I should be happier with what i have..

Thanks for reading (if you did), sorry it was sooo long,

Mike :flowers:

12-06-08, 22:44
Hey Mike

Maybe you should not see it as "being single" as such but taking some time out for yourself for a little bit.

It might help you to face your fear of being single and concentrating on working on yourself, your anxieties and any other issues you may have.

I have known a few friends who have gone travelling and it has changed them so much (for the better). I think you gain a real sense of independence and it might help put things in perspective. Having said that, you dont need to go travelling to gain insights like that. Do you want to travel or do you think it will be the solution to your anxieties?

If you really want to do it but are dubious about going alone, maybe you should search on the net and see if there are any travel companies which have groups of people going? Are you ok with meeting new people?

In some ways, maybe "throwing" youself into something like this would be good for you? Push the boundaries a bit? Yes, it might be frightening but its also extremely exciting :D

Jo xxxxx