View Full Version : I am starting to get really anxious

12-06-08, 23:16
Hi I am newbie to the forum so forgive my intrusion but I am starting to feel very unhappy with my current state of health.

Two years ago I was takn into hospital with severe chest pain (like some of the other posts that I have seen here) I thought it was a heart attack or alternatively a stroke. ECG, Blood Tests, Chest xray all clear - so sent on my way feeling very silly for wasting their time. However, probelms soon developed afterwards with annoying gas (extremely embarrasing burping with a lot of acid reflux and pains developing allover my left side of my chest and now moved to my shoulder.) Saw Doctor prescribed PPI;s for the acid reflux and now the pain has seemed to settle on my left shoulder and between the shoulder blades. This is intermitant somedays its bearable others its absolutely dire...I have made the stupid error of googling my ailments and have now convinced myself that the grim reaper is at my door. I am certain that my symptoms are physically based which makes my anxiety greater unlike my doctor who believed that it was the anxiety that was causing my physical symptoms....have others got / had similar symptoms...how did you manage to deal with the anxiety

thanks for any help or assistance you can offer from your experiences

12-06-08, 23:35
hello,i get these chest pains to,its more of an dull ache with me going towards my left shoulder.i am convinced it is due to anxiety as it does go away when i am occupied and not left with my own thoughts for to long.unlike you though i am to scared to go to the doctor as i am anxious they will find something wrong and that will make me worry even more.its seems we are not alone and this is a very common occurence. anxiety seems to heighten the symptoms and it becomes a vicious circle as you convince yourself of the worst of all possible outcomes,sorry this isnt much help but you are not alone in this as there are many of us out there experiencing this and it is difficult to disscuss with loved ones as they worry and you bottle it all up inside which makes things worse!
good luck,health and prosperity to you papa bear.

12-06-08, 23:40
To completely put your mind at rest maybe you could ask you Dr to arrange and endoscopy so they can look into your stomach and an ultrasound scan to check your liver/gallbladder/pancreas. If he doesn't think its necessary agree but beg them for your peace of mind. I am sure nothing will be found but those two tests would rule out a huge host of possible causes and after that if they are both normal you can relax.

NO amount of reassurance from your Dr will help until you have something concrete like normal test results.

My Dr and I have a good understanding - I will tell her what it is I fear and sometimes she will tell me she will arrange a test not because she thinks I need it but just so she can treat my health anxiety. She says the health anxiety is just as much an illness as any other illness. She won't rush me off for tests she will agree a plan with me for example that if I still have whatever symptom in 2 weeks time then she will send me for whatever.

I have had ectopic heartbeats for over 20 years sometimes in really bad attacks lasting weeks but I notice them every day. Have had 24 ecg every 5 years plus hospital mornitering and a echocardiogram and yes I have bad ectopics but they are harmless. It is 4 years since my last 24hr ecg and after my last bad attack lasting 2 weeks I asked if I could have them monitered again and she agreed not because she thinks they ahve changed but for my peace of mind.

We cost the health service a huge amount of money which makes me feel guilty but in midst of a panic I foget that!

13-06-08, 05:53
For years I had the most horrendous pain behind my sternum through to my back and I use to have to sleep on a back rest. The pain would last for hours and was excruciating. Whilst rocking back and fore with pain I would burp a lot so I knew it was gastric as opposed to cardiac.

I had a gastroscopy, a barium meal etc, before they realised I was suffering from too much acid being produced by my stomach.

They put me on Lansoprazole which I have to take every day prior to this I took Gaviscon (or own brands) all the time. The Lansoprazole has really improved the situation my sister suffers from a similar problem as is on them also. Try some Bicarbonate of Soda in some water and see if this makes a difference.:D

milly jones
13-06-08, 11:59
hi papa bear

its no intrusion having new members in the forum


have u read the info from nic on the website to the left regarding anxiety?

all the best milly xx