View Full Version : Pulse Rate

17-04-05, 15:40
Out of Intrest whats everyone elses Pulse rate at rest? Mine seems to be 105 per minute at rest and doesnt seem to go down, been this high for ages now and its becoming a worry!!

17-04-05, 15:49
I just did mine on my blood presure monitor and it is 101.


17-04-05, 15:53
my pulse rate is 66 thats because i am calm usually when i am panicky its in the 90's.

lin x

17-04-05, 15:54
Found this on the net.

It should be between 60 and 100 beats per minute.

Abnormal resting heart rate
Resting heart rates above the levels indicated on the chart may be due to activity, fever, stress, an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism), anemia, stimulants (caffeine, amphetamines, decongestants, asthma medications, diet pills, and cigarettes), and various forms of heart disease. If your heart rate is consistently high, consider seeing your health professional for a complete physical examination.


17-04-05, 16:24
Your heart-rate should be somewhere in the region of 65-95 bpm. being stressed out or doing phisical activities can, and will increase your beats per min. The overall average for this, and I say this lightly, should be around 72bpm. Once you exceed 95-100 bpm you are in a state of "hypertension" This means that your systolic blood pressure is rising. sit down, try to relax and breathe slowly and deliberatly... if you can. This can be an early sign of High Blood Pressure, but unlikely. Doctors will prescribe you a "downer" ie, Diazapam or other similar drugs. these do work to lower heart rate but also can give you some rather nasty side affects, and they can become extremely addictive if used for prolonged periods.
Get youself a B.P. machine from the Pharmacy, around £22::00/$42:00 (for our american friends) This also comes with a good little book that explains a lot, and explains the min/max levels you should be having.
Hope this helps and post back to let us know how you get on. seeing as it's Sunday, take a trip to ASDA... they sell the one I have and it's a clever little Gizmo! take Care and try to Chill...


f gill

17-04-05, 16:49

Forgot to say in my last post beta-blockers lower heart rates down i had some from my GP they really do work not on any now. Do u suffer with asthma? as they r not really good for asthmatics. If your heart rate doesn't go down try your GP for some they r in different strengths i was on 30mg a day. I hope that gives u some help.

take care


17-04-05, 17:20
hi I would neva start checking it cos i know i would do it all the time,, LOL

kairen x

17-04-05, 17:59
I am calm though, i dont feel anxious or stressed, its just high all the time.

17-04-05, 18:13
What is your blood pressure like?


17-04-05, 18:25
Appears normal according to the BP monitor

17-04-05, 18:30
my pulse was alwasy in the 90s when i was drinking regular but now its always around 65 to 75

17-04-05, 18:38
Hi there,
I would be too frightened to keep a check on pulse rate or blood pressure, other than routine check-ups, i find most things scary anyway, this would be just something else to worry about health wise. Or, as an afterthought, is that me being rude.......sorry if it is.

17-04-05, 18:54

You can have a fast heart rate - called a tachycardia without your blood pressure rising at all.

The 2 are sometimes connected as with anxiety where being scared does raise both heart rate and blood pressure but there are many instances such as infection, dysrhythmia where the heart rate is fast and the blood pressure remains static or even falls.

There are many reasons for a tachycardia not associated with illness or anxiety. Caffiene, alcohol, stimulant drink intake
is one common one.


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18-04-05, 14:05
Well I got to goto the Doctors at 4pm to have an ECG and check over. My anxiety is creeping up on me as the time passes but i have taken 10mg of Diazepam to control it. Hopefully i will be able to get to the bottom of why my pulse is so high.

18-04-05, 16:49
Doctor said i was Tachicardic so i have to go back to see the Nurse for an ECG and a Thyroid test in a week, then i goto go back and see the Doctor again in a few weeks when my results are back.

Worried now!!!

18-04-05, 17:10
For tachycardia- Keep off all coffee, alcohol and other chemical stimulants.

Try some meditation and slow long breaths.

Did you have an ECG today too ?


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18-04-05, 19:07
Hi wolf

I have a naturally high pulse rate in the high 80's or 90's. My sister is the same. Always find if I have not exercised for ages then it is higher. When do you take it?? do you drink alot of tea or coffee etc. if I have too much choco i really get a buzz and it goes mad.

Let us know how you get on

Take care


18-04-05, 19:37
I dont drink anything with Caffine at all, do drink lager though.

I've been taking my pulse every 2-3 times an hour every hour since i first noticed it was high, its always 105-110 when at rest, scary, even more so now the Dr has told me I am Tachicardic.

It just seems such a long way till i see him again to discuss my results and thats scaring me incase i have a heart attack or something.

18-04-05, 19:40

It is very unlikely that anything will happen between now and then. Try not to keep taking it cos you are working yourself up even more so it will be high.

It will all get sorted soon so please try not to worry too much ok.


18-04-05, 20:33
ok i will keep you all posted :)

18-04-05, 21:30
Being tachycardic - medical term for fast heat beat - does not lead to a heart attack.

Stop the alcohol and you will see a difference.


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19-04-05, 19:09
Hi Wolf

Dont forget everyone is different. I would imagine that when you are taking your pulse you are already stressing yourself especially now!! Dont take so much. I know that you are trying to stop drinking and you will find it will settle when you dont drink. Alcohol always puts it up whenever I had a drink then it was always faster. Does your dr know about the drink?? I bet you never told him. Ask Vernon he is a good person to speak to as he was in a similar position. Try not to worry. When I was pregnant with my little boy he kept getting tachycardic. I used to really worry which used to put my bp up but he is ok. There are normally simple reasons for these things. I even read up a book about it and simple dietary changes can work too.

Take care and let me know how you get on.


28-04-05, 17:38
Well I had a Thyroid Test done yesterday and also an ECG, which was strange as it was normal and my pulse was 85. I have to wait now untill 2 weeks for my results then i go back to the doctor to discuss it with him.

28-04-05, 18:14
I'm sure the results will be fine - good luck!! :D

28-04-05, 19:03
That is good news then that all is ok now for you.

Hope the results are clear too.


28-04-05, 19:34
Glad its all coming back as being normal and healthy .

Do you still feel your heart is fast ?


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29-04-05, 22:51
My pulse is still high but i feel fine, its weird. i will keep you posted.

06-05-05, 15:02
i have been to doctors today my pulse rate was a 109 he is sending me for a ecg and im worried about it and i keep checking it now but it stays the same at 109

06-05-05, 15:12

An ECG is a sensible first test to have. 109 is not excessive but is a bit over what most are usually in relaxed situations.

Are you stressed or excited or upset about something at the moment which would easily account for this but good to get it checked anyway.


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06-05-05, 18:58
I went for my ECG and it was normal, i recieved a letter from the Doctors about my blood test so i made a quick appointment to see the Dr. Good news is that my Thyroid is also normal but my liver count was high.

My pulse still races and i am not convinced its just anxiety, i am thinking perhaps to give up smoking and drinking.:)

06-05-05, 22:50
**i am thinking perhaps to give up smoking and drinking. **

Good idea - both stimulants will be contributing to a raised heart rate .
What does he want to do about the liver tests ?


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07-05-05, 14:58
*What does he want to do about the liver tests ?*

Nothing, my Gamma GT levels were 108, there supposed to be 0-50. there not dangerously high, ive had them in 120's.

After tonight (Sat) i am going to go a few weeks without to give my liver some healing time.

07-05-05, 15:58
What about the other individual results - were they all ok ?

LFT's - what do the results mean? (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=3215)


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09-05-05, 14:56
*What about the other individual results - were they all ok ?*

They were all fine :)

09-05-05, 16:28
Great news Barewolf!! :D

11-05-05, 16:13
i had my ecg done today i have got to go back to doctors tomorrow my result wasn that good my pulse rate had gone to 132 they said my heart is workin to hard for a women of my age so im havin further test done

Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

<div align="right">Originally posted by Meg - 06 May 2005 : 15:12:27</div id="right">

11-05-05, 18:06
Good luck with the next tests Debbie. Hope it goes ok and gets sorted out.


11-05-05, 18:10
Hi Debbie,

Thats up more . It was about 109 before wasn't it ?

132 is definately a tachycardia. It now depends on whether that is a regular rate or just when you're anxious.

Are you having the tests soon ?


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

01-06-05, 17:41
Hi all,
At rest my heart rate can be from 55 bpm up to 80 bpm. heart rates at rest can very easily be affected by your activity and fitness levels. the fitter you are the slower your heart rate. when exercising you normall look at about 135 to 155 bpm for a fat burning workout and anything above 155 is a cardiac training session. i have done alot of drag racing in the past and the shot of adrenaline before you press that pedal can shoot your heart up to 200 bpm in seconds so no one really needst to worry about pulse rates as long as you have a pulse that is strong and still there you are really worrying about nothing !!!

29-07-05, 11:04
Hi all really sorry to bring this topic up again but I have had a really scary night.

My pulse rate has been between 90 and 110 beats all night and also when i got up this morning.

I'm really really scared and don't know what to do.

The docs have no appointments free.

Am I going to die


29-07-05, 12:22
If your pulse is 110 through anxiety you have nothing to worry about, mine has been that when I've been anxious before. Right now mine is about 100. I did some heavy lifting and carrying a while ago and as I have ME I shouldn't have. My heart is now pounding from the effort, and because I'm now aware of the pounding I'm panicking a bit. I just had a reading of 122! I've never normally have anything over 105 though anxiety but I have had heart tests that say I am ok, or was last october. In fact when I went for the heart test I got so anxious my pulse was 135!
My pulse is back to 83 now, but then shoots back to 100 if I get anxious again. Damn anxiety. guess I'm just anxious and unfit lol. You will not die, just try and relax.
Do you take your pulse when relaxed? I took mine earlier and it was 100 but then I realised I'd been walking about briskly. After sitting down and doing it again it was ok. I have also found that keep taking it and thinking about it doesn't help either.
Take care Mandie and let us know how you are. I'm thinking of you.

29-07-05, 18:19
Hi all
as long as the doc has checked you out then exercise is the best way to sort out a high resting rate. My rate would regularly be up to 110 so i got on the treadmill and pushed it up to 145 - my cardiac training rate quite a few times a week - the exercise gives the body reason to be tachy and as your fitness improves your resting rate will drop - now a steady 74 (blood pressure has normalised as well) and i can exercise up to 150 for up to half an hour - its hard work at first for a few weeks but well worth it - especially when the endorphins and enchephalins start to give the feel good after exercise feeling

cheers jos the physiotherapist

29-07-05, 18:34
Another thought - when I get anxious my pulse rate rises but it's not often my bp rises, is this normal too? I have had a higher bp when anxious but often bp is normal.

I haven't worried about my heart for a few weeks really but after my pulse being 122 earlier I'm worrying again now, even though i was fully checked out last october. I know anxiety can cause 122 but I don't usually get over 105 when anxious. I'm now worried I've developed a heart problem since last october. In reality I was carrying heavy things out to the car and it was probably activity that raised my pulse ( I took it straight after the activity!) , and anxiety that kept it high for a while. My pulse is completely normal now although I am aware of my heart beat and hyperventilating a bit.

Anyway have a great weekend everyone.


30-07-05, 00:09
I had heart worries too - I had a full check out with exercise (treadmill) test and everything a few years ago before i had anxiety problems - I have had ecgs and blood tests last dec at the start of my anxiety probs (in fact it was done 4 times in different A+Es) and all was ok - my way of dealing with it now is to get it really working with running cycling or swimming - but had to build up very gently over a few months so effectively i exercise test myself every time i get on my bike or go to the gym.

I know that chest pains are musculoskeletal or anxiety but couldnt help worrying - now i know my heart is strong and exercise test it most days and there is no need to worry. easier said than done i know! It does take a few months to build up and the first few weeks were very shakey but i knew that i had to get through it to regain my life -

Most gyms have trainers who will set up a programme - don't be afraid to tell them your problems - they are used to getting exercise referrals from GPs for anxiety and depression more and more now - if it goes through the GP it will be cheaper too

Its better than beta blockers or tranquilisers if you can manage it

trust yourself and your docs - it took me long time to

cheers jos

30-07-05, 11:29
Thanks jos,
Yes i do trust my doctor, I just get these odd blips where I worry again!
Deep down I know it's anxiety, especially if I'm hormonal too.
Thanks for your advice. Unfortunately exercise isn't an option for me. I have M.E and exercise can cause severe relapses. All I can manage is to walk my dog occasionally and even that can tire me. I can't take beta blockers as I have asthma and wouldn't touch tranquilisers anyway.
I've got through this before and will again :)
Thanks for your time and support,

30-07-05, 15:40
Hi LJ and Jos

Thankyou so much for your replies.

Slept most of the day and night fritfully. Been so scared.

I think like u LJ I know its anxiety but hard to sink in. I'm also very hormonal so I presume that is why it is worse at the moment. Haven't bled for 4 months (not pregnant) but still having all the symptoms, greesy hair spots can't stop crying. RACING HEART 24/7. You know what I mean.

Like you also with the ME excercise isn't an option. I wish it was that easy.

Still feel really ruff 2day. Frightened to eat because that makes my heart start racing again. Do you know what causes that?.

Oh and yes LJ my blood pressure is always spot on even when heart going at 110

Stay in touch.

Still crying now


30-07-05, 16:30
Hi Mandie,
Glad to hear from you, hang in there. The last time I got really bad anxiety was when my period was late (9 weeks), so I expect yours is hormonal.
I don't know what it is with eating but certainly I've found drinking cold drinks had made my heart race in the past.
By the way, if you didn't know, having ME can make us more anxious as the body can release adrenaline at random times with ME.
Take care, this will pass, let me know how you are. I think we have alot in common.

30-07-05, 18:21

Anxiety certainly can mess up our cycles but have you had a hormone screen if its been 4 months with no sign of a period.

I forget - are you PCOS ?


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-07-05, 19:44
Oh Meg I'm so glad you replied.

I have had no blood for 4 months. Had laposcopy about 18 months ago for them to check for endometreosis. Came back ok but apparently had a chocolate cyst on my right side. Went for a 6 month check up after that and got dismissed.

What is PCOS?


God its scary that we are so similar. Heart still really bad again and got the internal shakes aswell.


30-07-05, 20:12
Ok, so you already have a gynae history and are under investigation for it already so not fully an anxiety thing.

I couldn't remember who it was with polycystic ovaries - not you - sorry.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

30-07-05, 22:05
Hi Mandie,
Hope you're feeling a bit better now. I know the internal shakes are awful but they will pass and can't harm you. I really do know how you feel and am thinking of you.
If you don't get your period soon maybe have a blood test done and check your hormone levels if you haven't already. (Meg can advise on that better than me though).
Take care,

31-07-05, 01:13
i need to look up the research exercise and anxiety/depression and will include ME - i have worked with rheumatoid arthritis and severely osteoporotic patients and always found some level of exercise or stretching possible - we were looking at using pedometers to give sufferers a guide to how much walking they were doing and goals to increase it - 10,000 steps a day is the recommended minimum - about an hours walk and general pottering about - but even a daily 2000 or 4000 is good if it is what you can manage - its the having a measure and baseline targets for bad days that really helps motivate- i would recommend a pedometer to anyone who wants to up their activity - not expensive


31-07-05, 10:36
Thanks jos,
I am currently working with an ME specialist. Once you understand ME you will understand many ME patients can not exercise at all, some are even bedridden and can relapse from even the slightest exertion - such as getting dressed. Fortunately I manage to work part-time but that is enough for me and I'm still exhausted. I try and pace myself by finding what amount of activity I can do even on a bad day without relapsing but there is no way normal regular exercise is possible. I am going to try and start walking my dog regularly again but will be starting with a five minute walk per day and building it up very slowly over several weeks. If it works it does and it it doesn't I have tried. Exercise is the most likely thing to cause a severe relapse. Many people do not understand ME and just think you need to do something or get fitter to get better but sadly this is not the case. I do of course worry about being unfit and not getting a cardio workout but I can only do what is possible for me at the current time.

02-08-05, 12:38
How are you doing now Mandie?
My pulse settled down fairly quickly the other day, had a small blip earlier today when it shot up to 105 for no apparent reason, but I did feel anxious out of the blue and had eaten too many sweet things, maybe that was the reason!
Anyway I hope you're doing well today,

02-08-05, 13:59
i have lots to learn about ME
- we do rehab at all levels from in intensive care to back to sport with any level in between - you seem to have got the main things that is common to all - that is setting realistic goals and pacing yourself to get there - everyone has their personal marathon be it 26 miles or walking to the kitchen - any level of activity is better than none.
good luck with the dog walking -
cheers jos

02-08-05, 17:59
Thanks Jos,
The real trouble with ME is that you can set yourself a baseline of activity that you can do, and you do it for a few weeks or even months and then suddenly you either can't do it any more or you relapse and go back to square one. What you can do can vary hugely from day to day too. It's frustrating, but I just enjoy what I can do when I can do it.
Thanks again,