View Full Version : oh my oh my

13-06-08, 07:44
Hi everyone. What a morning so far, did not sleep well and I very tired. While trying to put my makeup on this morning I noticed my left hand was shaking again. I held both of my hands out my right hand was still but my left is shaking.

I am so worried about it, so against all the good advice I looked on google, no I think I may have Parkinson D or MS and I have not stopped crying.

Need to get to work but I worried people will see my shaking.

What a mess!

13-06-08, 08:08
I get really shaky when I have bad anxiety, in fact I sometimes wake up shaking, its horrible.

You really must not google hunny, I know its hard, but we all know that it only makes us worse and puts up back in feeling better.

Do you have any rescue remedy or anything? Can you access this site from work?

deep breathing, think nice thoughts, think its Friday, so its the weekend.

Sorry if I can't be of more help


13-06-08, 10:19
Thanks for your reply. I am at work but can not take my mind of it. It worrys me that only my left hand shakes when I hold it out.

Cathy V
13-06-08, 10:30
Hi there, just wondered if you are right or left-handed? Sometimes the weaker side...hand arm leg foot whatever....can tremble if you have alot of tension in your muscles on this side. If you are right handed then this is the stronger side and your muscles and nerves don't get shaken so much!

Just a thought but try not to worry too much if you can.
Cathy xxx

13-06-08, 10:41
I agree that it's likely that it's down to anxiety. Are you on any meds? I'm on Lithium which gives me shaky hands. My mum had Parkinsons when she was alive and the tremor was one of the last obvious symptoms. If you're really worried go to the GP for reassurance :hugs:

milly jones
13-06-08, 11:22
hey i get muscle tremours and shakey limbs. i also get eye twitches when im stressed.

its anx hun, pls try and relax

if ur worried see the gp hun

but were here too


13-06-08, 11:36
Hey stop googling ;)

I get this, my left hand shakes sometimes but my right doesn't. I am left handed too, and if I have slepted on it or play guitar too long it shakes when the rest of me is fine, so I am sure it's nothing sinister for both of us :)

As Jo says, if you need your mind put at rest see the GP, sometimes it just takes reassurance (I have done that a few times, apparantly I wasn't having a heart attack that lasted 3 years).

And you think you have got problems, try putting make up on with a left shaky hand, I look like a clown this morning ;)

Now stop googling :)



13-06-08, 11:42

I have to hold my first morning cuppa with 2 hands and even then it's likely as much will end up on me as in me! It gets better as the day goes on.
It's definitely worse when my anxiety level is high.

Googling ain't good!

13-06-08, 15:24
Hi, thank you for all your replies it really helps. This site is fantastic and I am so glad I found it. Things have improved throughout the day and work is helping to take my mind of it. Anxiety is such a big thing to fight and seems that you guys are the only ones that understand.