View Full Version : Arm pain

13-06-08, 08:48
Hi this is my first post, after reading this forum for a couple of weeks Id like to ask your opinion on my symptoms!

In Feb I hurt my left arm lifting something, at aboutt the same time I read something on the internet about bone cancer and since then Ive been convinced Im really ill. My arm still hurts now, its not everyday and its not always in the same place sometimes its more in my shoulder sometimes its more like someone pinching my upper arm...this morning its my forearm and my hand feels a bit tingly.

After reading on here that other people have had left arm pain down to anxiety Im trying to convince myself thats what it is but its hard to believe being stressed could cause your arm to hurt.

I just wondered if anyone else has had arm pain over a few months? It seems to come and go and it gets worse if I think about it and if I lift things.Ive also had chest pain,pain under my ribs and aches in my knees.

13-06-08, 11:58
Do you think you may have a trapped nerve?

13-06-08, 13:04
It could be I suppose, I went to the doctors about it and they seemed to think it was a muscle thing and gave me anti inflammatory cream stuff for it which does help a bit. I suppose it could be a trapped nerve as well, they just go away on there own dont they?

13-06-08, 13:06
No they don't and it could be the reason for the tingling feeling in your hand.

13-06-08, 13:24
Hi, my arm pain lasted a while too - basically my boyfriend grabbed my forearm while we were joking around and I ended up with a tiny bruise on it, but it was pretty sore. My hand was also tingly too. My doc said trapped nerve but of course I didn't believe her...which is how I got myself in the mess I am today! Please don't go down that route of reading on the internet...I have driven myself bonkers with it and have ended up in a real state over thinking about what big bad disease I have. I have definitely just created a whole load of problems that I don't think I would have had if I had just avoided the evil that is google.

With reference to believing how anxiety can create physical symptoms, just read any other post on here and you will see that it does - its just hard for anxious people to believe it is just anxiety. Aches and pains because of anxiety are common (just have a look at the symptoms page on NMP and you'll see). I actually get tingling in my left hand when I'm really stressed - I get stressed and I can actually feel it going numb and tingly! The weirdest sensation. I've also had random aches and pains just about everywhere too.

If you are worried about it go back to the doc - but like Trixie says it sounds like it could very possibly be a trapped nerve.

Take care (and don't google!)

13-06-08, 13:26
Oh, and forgot to say...my sister-in-law had a sore arm for months and months...she self-diagnosed bone cancer via google and was too scared to go to the docs. When she eventually went she found out it was tennis elbow, brought on by lifting heavy items - just goes to show how google brings up the worst possible scenario every time!!

13-06-08, 13:53
Thanks guys, I think I might go back to the doctors,
Its funny you say that about tennis elbow I have thought it might be something to do with that kind of injury my job involves at lot of heavy lifting and my Dr did say at the time that my arm wont get better till I change jobs(im leaving in three weeks) so maybe it will get better once it gets a chance to rest.
If it is a trapped nerve what can you do about it then? just rest it?

13-06-08, 14:00
My left arm and hand hurts too ..... i think its all down to Anxiety.

What i want to know is ..... Everyone seems to have it in the left Arm. Why is this lol ?

13-06-08, 14:23
Thanks guys, I think I might go back to the doctors,
Its funny you say that about tennis elbow I have thought it might be something to do with that kind of injury my job involves at lot of heavy lifting and my Dr did say at the time that my arm wont get better till I change jobs(im leaving in three weeks) so maybe it will get better once it gets a chance to rest.
If it is a trapped nerve what can you do about it then? just rest it?

If you are in a job that involves repetitive movements you can get RSI. I have it from nursing and after 14yrs of physio and steroid injections I had them manipulated under GA. They are still not right but that's the way it goes.:shrug:

13-06-08, 14:40
My arm started hurting before I got the job so I dont think its that, I am left handed tho so I think it might be to much time spend on the computer that isnt helping anyway!