View Full Version : What is wrong with me????

13-06-08, 09:32
Hi all - hope you are all well. I have not been on here for months as I have actually been feeling a lot better, until the last few days.

I am still taking my 20mg Citalopram as well, coming up to a year on these now.

Anyway, my dad has been ill and I have had a fair bit of personal trouble the last month or so and this morning on the way to work my legs felt numb and cold as did my hands. My chest feels a bit tight as well and I keep thinking something bad is going to happen to me as I have raised BP and am very overweight (even though an ECG a year ago when checked over after bad panic attack showed my heart was fine)

I am sitting at my desk feeling a bit light headed and for the first time in months feeling like something bad is going to happen, and it is Friday 13th!

I also feel a bit dry mouthed and a bit shaky - could this be a mini panic attack I am having? I am still working so cannot be that bad and am I being silly thinking this is more than it is?

What I will do is go outside in a bit and do some breathing exercises and try and calm down a bit (but I still smoke unfortunately!)

Reassurance is probably what I need ... although I do know I have to lose weight, stop smoking and get my BP down.

I guess I am worrying a little too much?

13-06-08, 10:31

It does sound to me like its anxiety related. they are all panic symptoms.

yr right about gioing outside and doing yr breathing, but without having a ciggarette!

love mandiex

13-06-08, 10:47
Sorry to hear about your dad, Mat - hope he's feeling better soon:hugs:

I agree with Mandie, it sounds like anxiety to me.
I know that this is probably easier said than done, but try not to worry/think about today being Friday the 13th - personal experience tells me it's usually quite a good day for me and I think sometimes bad things happen if you expect them to. Auto-suggestion or something like that.....

So, deep breaths. Can you go for a walk in your break or do something relaxing like listening to music?

milly jones
13-06-08, 11:19
hi mat

u sound like theres alot going on around u and anyone gets stressed in those sorts of situations

just take time to relax and find some 'me' time

try and go fro a walk and look for all the beautiful things there are in the world

i love the mountains and forest where i live, even if i can only manage a car ride

as to fri 13th its just another day, will be sat 14th tomorrow and nmp will still be here for u

take care


13-06-08, 13:29
Hi all - hope you are all well. I have not been on here for months as I have actually been feeling a lot better, until the last few days.

See . . . a good reason to always stick around . . . feeling good or not!

and it is Friday 13th!

Friday the 13th . . . I didn't even know until I read this post! (early morning here in the USA). I'm up for a good Friday the 13th today. Bring it on! And I say to it "take your best shot!" :D