View Full Version : Long time sufferer of anxiety symptoms questions

13-06-08, 14:47
Hi, im 35 and am really struggling with what the doctor says is generalised anxiety disorder. I started getting symptoms of panic 15 years ago, just started with odd isolated panic attacks, now my life i'd say is an absolute nightmare. I havent been able to work for the last 7 years. In the last 4 years my social life is nil. I feel i can't even go out for a walk with feeling absolutley tormented inside by the agusih of suffering that i feel, in fact I don't even have to go out anywhere for a walk I feel it continually. MY symptoms seem to be fatigue, feeling of suffocating as if not getting enough energy into my body to survive. I can tell you it is complete agony, it like going thru life with a straw for breathing thru. I get pains pains in my arms and legs, my legs tingle with pain at times near the knee even though i may be lying down trying to relax. The only word that come close to decribing the severity of these symptoms is that they are exasperating. Continually my body feels like its pulling me to the ground from the inside as if it just wants me to give up and lie on the ground and go mad, its a very horrible feeling as i don't know what to do to make it go away, nothing seems to help. I just feel like Im sentenced to life of watching it and feeling it without being able to do anything about it. I wish i knew the answer cause i want to get better and live life again. I try to go walks every morning but my body seems completely in diagreement with this, I feel like i just want to stop contiually due to the fatigue, in which i feel like im carrying myself around even though i feel in bits, It feels like im holding my breathe continually even though im not. Anyone relate to all this. I appreciate people trying to offer support but Id really like to hear from people that actually feel this way, this seems to have progressed way past a few panic attacks and a little bit of agoraphobia. It be great even to chat to someone with these same feelings as i feel like im all alone. Ive looked thru many forums but i just feel totally lost. The funny thing is its like i know longer get the racing pulse rates when i feel like im suffocating or am about to die, i just feel so helpless and hopeless, I feel so little hope if any to be honest. Please if anyone feels like this get in touch and I promise it will give me strenght and encouragement to know that this is just in my mind and that there are others out there.

13-06-08, 16:28
hi its def not in your mind ,and you are def not alone with the feelings lots of people on here suffer with the same , i suffer daily with the suffocation feeling and breathless anytime need to chat feel free to pm me


17-06-08, 08:55
Hi Feelbad73,
I hear exactly what you are saying. I suffer from constant panic attacks with extreamly disturbing symptoms. I have crippling cheast pain, breathing difficulties, head pain, head jolts, tinnitus, dizzy spells, disorientation, depesonalisation, insomnia and depression.
I often feel my life has been snatched away from me and the person I used to be has gone forever. Thats the hardest part for me. Working out where I went. I still go to work, but its a daily torture. I have no idea what my anxiety will dream up for me on any day, which, of course makes me afraid to face the day.
I often feel alone, frightened and desparate. This illness murders your soul.

17-06-08, 18:44
yesterday i walked went for a cycle on my bike to get some exercise and now I feel like a absolute wreck. I now feel like i can't even walk around the house i feel so fatigued. I wish i could accept this is anxiety but i just don't know anyone with this level of fatigue. I quit work 6 years ago, there is no way i could work I havent even got the energy to go for a walkwhen i do go for a walk I feel like im 100 years old, surely the doctor has made a mistake. The fatigue is crippling, even just sitting at this computer is making me feel bad. IS anyone out there feel this way???

17-06-08, 22:36
Hi Feelbad,

I do know that the mind is an extremely powerful tool and anxiety plays on this by 'bringing to life' what you're worrying about. Anxiety is also physically tiring because the tension that builds up in your muscles makes them ache. I can get back from work sometimes and feel really tired. Perhaps you could visit your GP and have a chat to put your mind at rest?

Take care,

Mike :)

19-06-08, 16:09
You know something - i was just thinking whilst sat at my desk - this site makes you feel alright - I am panicking like hell about my daughters graduation ina couple of weeks - she got a First at uni and I am so proud it makes me cry - but we are sitting in a huge hall with l00s of people and you sit where they tell you to and I m terrified coz my panic sets in - I never go out to theatres etc coz of this but I so want to be there but when I read this site I realise that half the people in the hall with me will be feeling panicky too which makes me feel a bit better. Wenjoy x