View Full Version : Anxiety and Pregnancy

Tiny Sue
17-04-05, 20:09
Hi guys...

another question...

Since I only suffer from anxiety sporadically, but then quite intensely, do you think it's a bad idea for us to be trying to conceive right now?
I know that hormones go all over the place when one is pregnant, and I've always felt that my anxiety was worse around menstration or when hormone levels were awry. I have had abnormally high DHEA readings in the past.
I just wondered if it was a good idea to be anticipating something that will change my whole life...for the better hopefully, but at the same time a fairly stressful change, while suffering from anxiety every time some little thing gets me down.

Any new moms/expectant moms out there?


17-04-05, 21:05

i found my anxiety better in pregnancy because the prgnancy gave me a focus to worry about, all my pregnancies were worrying because we lost of first baby, but i found i coped.

pregnancy naturally boosts your serotonin lvels i think, so a natural ssri

one good reason to concieve i think

hope all goes well
Love Jane

17-04-05, 21:34
Hi Sue

When i had Sam i had never suffered from anxiety so i cant really comment and on how the hormones, emotions etc effect you. I personally if met the right person would love to have another baby, but given how i feel i wonder if i could cope with it. But then again, when is the right time to try and not only through anxiety but through money, time of life etc. Go with your heart and you will cope with your health. If you are in a happy, loving and secure relationship, i would seriously consider it, but only you as a couple can decide that.

Love Sal xx

Dont mess up the best things in your life, just because at present you are unsure who you are.

17-04-05, 23:18
hi sue, I am not a woman but dont realy know, but would imagine if you and your partner want a child like longie said you have something to take your mind of the anxiety and look forward to the new family member? Waiting I think is just as stressful as having a child becouse you might always think is this the right time later on? I am not a mum but am a dad and I found (so did my wife) we where to bussy to be stressed when kids where young. I would say myself go for it if thats what you want, who says you will feel better later on and there are lots of young mothers on here who have young children. take care. Vernon