View Full Version : something to think about

14-06-08, 07:53
i have a question

flip a coin, it has 2 possible outcomes - heads or tails, but what if one average normal day, by extreme chance, the coin landed on its side?

14-06-08, 09:45
Does that then mean, that there are actually 3 possible outcomes?

Jo xxxxx

14-06-08, 13:07
Having given this question hours of thought and 1000s of flipping coins I have decided that eating ice cream is much better...yet what if you went in and asked for mint ice cream and they gave you toffee crunch, would you take it back or give it a try and if you like the toffee crunch would you go back to mint or would you head home and begin flipping coins or admit to yourself there is more to life than flipping coins and eating ice cream and start a carrot collection..

ok never really flipped coins but I do love toffee crunch ice cream

milly jones
14-06-08, 16:05
too deep for me on a sunny saturday afternoon rob



Cathy V
14-06-08, 16:20
Mill, how come youve got a sunny sat afternoon and ive got nothing but rain in spain...ok well im in germany but that dont rhyme do it!

flippin 'eck :D
Cathy xxx

milly jones
14-06-08, 16:44
hey cathy

how come im sitting in on line with nmp on a sunny saturday afternoon lol

take care all


14-06-08, 18:28
i guess theres 3 possible outcomes then yes grrr lol smartass :p

but what wud the third outcome be? based on the question being an ultimatum, a gamble at a decision, wot wd that third desision be? :shrug:

i suppose thats the easier answer to the question, it would be a comprimise i guess, or neither decision or both

and yeah sorry is a bit deep lol i couldnt sleep all night and was thinking abt stuff and think i went a bit insane lol :wacko:

purplehaze i like your answer lol, see mints ma fav icecream so i know if i had that itd be happy days, bt then maybe id like the toffee so id have a decision to make based on that 3rd outcome. hypothetically i think id go buy the other one too and not commit maself to one decision.

then id eat em both n make maself sick lol then to cheer maself up go and start a carrot collection, sounds ace lol woohoooo :yesyes:

14-06-08, 18:56
i think its what the edge of the coin represents, its not a black and white yes or no, i think its true with life , its freedom, why make that decision, why lnot make our own rules?

what if someones neither bad nor good? but has the freedom for both, freewill, dosent that just represent being human anyway.

should we strive not to be the judge or the lawyer but instead be the jury.

why is it so many times in life we dont get a straight answer for things, never whole truths? for truths rely on point of view - how do you look at the question about the coin? in an argument is anyone really right and someone wrong? is it just points of view, so shud that lead then to comprimise?

maybe its not the simple yes or no good or bad anyway, maybe its also the choice of options we have that are set out for us, u can either be this way or that way follow this or that, take the media for example, telling us what to wear how to look, society, how to be etc, choices given to us.

if one day i spun a coin and it landed upright, after lookin at it in awe for a min (yes am easily amused at times lol) , wot id do is this,

take the coin back, spin it, high up in the air, then turn round and walk away, with a grin :winks:

14-06-08, 19:54
when you talk of society you talk about your place in that society and conforming to its rules and sice most want to fit in they then dont stand apart from society but obey the rules or suffer the consequences. You can then go on to talk about your rights but then you see the only rights you have are the rights given to you by that society. we all have freewill but with it comes responsibility. The freedom we exercise should be for the best interest of the society we live in but that would lead us on to govenments and super powers but on a grass roots level we can decide to do right from wrong because even outwith society man/woman does know right from wrong without being told.

but ben and jerries ice cream could end all wars

14-06-08, 20:29
completely agree with you :D

17-06-08, 03:08
:doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh: :doh:


17-06-08, 03:55
lmao linda :roflmao:

in my defense it was very early in the morning, been trying for ages to sleep and i went a bit "funny" lol


18-06-08, 00:24
Lol You Too Funny Hunny Lol...............be Well My Friend ....................linda Xxxxxxxxxxx