View Full Version : Hello from liam1412

14-06-08, 13:28
Hi. Just found this site while browsing for some of my symptoms.

I suppose I best tell you a bit about my self.

I am 24 and have suffered with bouts of anxiety and stress in the passed. When I was 16 I was on the dreaded Seroxat (peroxitin) and after a few months stopped taking them and seemed to pick my self up. Last year I got symptoms again only 10 times worse and was prescribed Citalopram. Eveyrthing was going fine util my doc said I had to get counciling alongside the meds to find out the root cause. I really didn;t want this so I stopped taking my meds to avoid having to do this.

Now im back again with the symptoms and again this time they are worse.

The bouts don't come on from nothing. It is at stressfull times in my life. This time round it is because I am due to become a dad for the first time and I am noting but stressing how I am eveer going to afford it. I just wish I was better at dealing with stress and just got stressed instead of all this stupid panic and anxiety. Anyways. Enough of my babbling hope some of you can help me through this time.

14-06-08, 15:34
hiya liam

welcome to no more panic

aww i am sure you will fine a way of looking after your baby and affording things it needs things have a way of turning out and mabe it will help you to
as for the stress well chat with your doc about things agane tell him your happy with the meds but dont realy want to take it further than that at the mo i am sure he can not make you till your ready
good luck with everything

jodie xx

milly jones
14-06-08, 15:46
hi liam

welcome to nmp

hope that u find some support and empathy here

im on meds and having counselling too, but it is helping

all the best

milly xxx

14-06-08, 16:17
Thanks for the replies. really I just want to to know that im not crazy and people are in the same boat as me. My missus doesn't really understand why I can't deal with stuff so easy and my mum just thinks im going nuts if I tell her stuff.

Sometimes I just feel like im a proper phsycho coz loads of other people have stressful times in there life without all this. I don;t think it helps that I smoked weed for a long long time but have hit that on the head now.

14-06-08, 16:32
Hi Liam,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You wil get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

15-06-08, 12:40
:welcome: Hi ya, lovely to see you on here, you have stumbled upon the right place! :)
You'll receive lots of advice and support now you are a member of NMP!
Keep posting, i hope you find this site as useful and friendly as i do, you arent alone.
:hugs: Popsy x

15-06-08, 17:58
Hi Liam and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

15-06-08, 23:05
hiya and welcome you are not nuts and what you are experiencing is a very common things and people here will help you with this and give you loads of advice and support, its very difficult for people to help, family members etc if they dont understand, i have the same problems lucky for me i have a understanding hubby. keep posting and we will do our best to make you smile xxx

15-06-08, 23:56
Hey Liam,

I take citalopram and various other cocktails occaissonally. I have been a father for half a year nad despite how bad I feel, I have never once felt anything but joy when I'm with baby.
MY woories were that I wouldn't be able to provide decent support but things work themselves out - after a while I was honest with friends etc, and they help so much. good luck

16-06-08, 20:40
Hiya Liam :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
You will get lots of support/advice and make some great friends along the way.

take care. :hugs: :hugs:


17-06-08, 02:40
Hello Liam And Welcome .....i Wish Ya Well........linda

17-06-08, 07:23
hiya matey n welcome! people are just different some people get affected by stuff like this whereas others dont or are able to deal with it better your not goin nuts lol :doh:

id suggest to you having a read of some stuff getting to know anxiety a little better and what you can relate to, theres billions of people worldwide with this so ya not alone!

and theyve all excaped padded cells too :roflmao: only kidding lol

stay off the funny fags, theyve been linked with this by the way

take care :shades:

and congrats on becomin a dad :yesyes:

17-06-08, 16:41
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx