View Full Version : Withdrawal symptoms of citalopram

14-06-08, 13:34
I have been off them for about 8 months now, i just stopped taking them i didn't gradually come off them. 8 months down the line can my anxiety symptoms that have come back be the withdrawal? Feel that surely it is too much time for it to be that surely?

14-06-08, 14:48
Citalopram half life is about 35 hours so depending on your dosage it should have eliminated from your system a long time ago so your body has had plenty of time to adjust, but I would pop back to your Doc. and have a chat just in case rather than suffer in silence.
Best wishes

20-03-09, 17:54
You might not have dealt with everything that caused you to become stressed or depressed or anxious, so the ghost of the problem still reaches out to you. Or maybe you're just prone to anxiety now and then.

I would have expected side effects from going cold turkey to have long since come and gone.

Have a look at what it is that makes you feel anxious and try to face it head on if possible, get it sorted out or get it out of your life once and for all.

02-04-09, 01:52
a think some anti-deps actually esculate our anxiexty cbt worked well [talk therapy] n support from friends n family n av no parents left gut u do get there talk bout ur fears keep well madelaine

04-08-09, 10:38
Can anyone run through what it.s like after 4weeks of taking 20mg citalopram.I've just been presceibed them and don't know what to expect---does the anxiety and panic subside doyour thoghts clear up. Any words of wisdom would be appreciated

04-08-09, 14:00
i was on citalopram for about 7-8 months and came off cold turkey,used to get head zaps from coming off them,not 6 weeks later im back on 20mg again because i got depressed again,i used to feel sick and abit dizzy sometimes,but youre more than likely to get worse before you get better,but its well worth it!

01-10-09, 18:27
I have just stopped citalopram, whilst taking it I noticed my personality changing, as my dose was increased (to 40mg) I became increasingly intolerant to people and completely out of my usual character, my friends and family noticed.
since stopping I am now feeling more like myself although I am suffering from headshocks, I will never take citalopram again nor would I recommend it to anyone else.
When I started taking it I didn't feel depressed, I was suffering from ME, I think the GP thought it would help but I can only see it made matters worse.

25-10-09, 06:17
I've been off citalopram for 2 days after being on them for 3 months. I have been having hot and cold flushes. I've been light headed. I have felt nauseous all day. Is this caused by withdrawal symptoms or could it just be a cold that could be coming on?

26-10-09, 10:04
ive reduced my dosage to half a 10m per day and have been experiencing palps which i have felt for some time and have been monitered and investigated by the gp. i want to come off them completely but dont like the anxiety i am now suffering. i couldnt sleep last night because of them.

31-10-09, 13:09
I have just stopped citalopram, whilst taking it I noticed my personality changing, as my dose was increased (to 40mg) I became increasingly intolerant to people and completely out of my usual character, my friends and family noticed.
since stopping I am now feeling more like myself although I am suffering from headshocks, I will never take citalopram again nor would I recommend it to anyone else.
When I started taking it I didn't feel depressed, I was suffering from ME, I think the GP thought it would help but I can only see it made matters worse.

Hey there

My boyfriends been off citalopram 20mg for about 6 days after going cold turkey.
I agree about the personality thing. Hes become very intolerant and arsey to people, especially me. Now i can start to see his old personality slightly coming back again which is good.
He was depressed when he went on them (about 6 months ago), now i don't feel he needs them.

Hes going through all the symptoms like constant dizzyness/brain pops/cold sweats. But hes a strong guy and he believes he can get over this.

I just wondered if it was worth it in the end?


Mr C
19-04-10, 18:33
Boys & Girls,

If you have been on Citalopram (Cipralex/ Escitalopram) more than a year you should NOT be trying to come off by reducing in tablet form.

I had been on escitalopram for 4 years (started on 10 upped to 40 came down to 20 then 10 in the last year ) when I decided I wanted off.

My GP INCORRECTLY told me to do week at 10 one day then 5 the next for a week then 5 daily then stop in 3 weeks!!!!

Boy did I have problems!!! I had to go back on at 10mg to get some sense of order as it totally did me in and I lost my partner of two years as the personality change was horrendous.

A year later I still wanted off and was eventually refferred to a psycatrist who confirmed that the withdrawal regime put up by my GP was WRONG.

Once down to 10mg, you should switch to drops.

You then reduce by 1 ml per week so that it takes 9 weeks to come down gradually, and, if you feel uncomfortable tow days after the reduction you can go back to the last level for a further week to help your body come down.

Yes it is a faff to do each day to draw the correct amount but you chemist will provide you with an oral syringe and bottle cap (its free) so you can get the right amount easily, if you are not sure then ask the chemist to show you

I know this works, I did it and am glad I am out the other side, but I am going to sue my GP for negeglence as the GP should not have made the unsuitable withdrawal plan as the GP is not Qualified in Psyciatric treatments.... just qualified to dish em out!!

Good luck, it does work Mick