View Full Version : mouth cancer

14-06-08, 13:44
hey, i have this small spot in my mouth which is quite sore, i know it's probably just a spot but i need some reassurance? could it be mouth cancer?
please reply
Luv Louise

milly jones
14-06-08, 16:04
i get white spots in my mouth hun

sometimes its thrush, sometimes mouth ulcers and sometimes cos ive chewed my skin

if its distressing you why not pop to the pharmacist or docs/dentist to put ur mind at rest?

hope that help a little

milly xx

14-06-08, 17:10
Milly's suggestion is a good one. Try not to worry as we all get little things in our mouths which are quite often harmless.

14-06-08, 17:30
Hi Hun

I have got a few white spots in my mouth at the moment so i went to the docs on Wed as i too thought i had mouth cancer she told me that it was due to excess saliver and probably due to me biteing my cheeks in my sleep

Hope this helps hun


16-06-08, 16:55
hey again, well that white spot i was talking about turned out to be what i think is a ulcer as it is really sore and looks like an ulcer, i'm obv still worrying that its something serious as it is really painful, i hope it goes soon. i also have a couple of cuts in my mouth which i'm very worried about, i have one on my tongue and one in mouth. i'm really worried, any advice? i can't stop worrying
please reply
Luv louise

16-06-08, 17:06
If your worried about the ulcer i'd put something like bonjela on it which you can get from all chemists/supermarkets etc and it should clear up after a few days. I had one a while ago that lasted for 2 weeks!! But it did go. I also bite my cheek in my sleep sometimes and wake up in the morning with a spot in my mouth, so you're probably doing that. you can get ulcers on your tounge too so you could have more than one, they sometimes spread in your mouth onto your tounge, epescially if you keep touching your ulcer with your tounge!! If you are really desparate to get shot quick, i'd use salt though, it doesnt taste very nice but does the job, just put some in hot water so it dissolves and then swirl it round your mouth for a min and then spit it out, or if you feel extra brave you can apply salt directly on the ulcer using your finger but i warn that this stings to start with! Doesnt last long though and definately does the trick. Hope this helps

16-06-08, 18:29
1st post woo. Long time reader :)

Anyways I went to the dentist because I found a lump in my tounge. He said; I wouldn't worry unless it breaks up and turns white.

I mentioned that I have white cankers frequently and he said "Yea but those hurt"

Make sure this sore doesn't grow or turn into a colliflower looking weird thing and you should be fine.

Mouth cancer is usually white and painless

16-06-08, 18:57
My first post here:

I actually had a pre-stage mouth cancer when I was 21. It was something I hadn`t noticed at all (because if it`s cancer it doesn`t hurt). My dentist noticed it and an oral surgeon removed it. It was really no big deal. It only hurt for a couple a days after the surgery and it was a pain to remove the stitches under my tounge (mostly because I did it myself because I went on a hiking trip after the surgery to get my mind of things:))....
My point is: Your dentist would have picked this up a long time ago if it was anything to worry about and when he says it isn`t I would have tried to trust him. And: Cancer in the tung etc. doesn`t hurt but a lot of other blisters etc. do. I have had lots of those after this surgery episode but it`s never been anything remotely dangerous even though it hurt a thousand times more than my almost cancerous bump (which I didn`t feel at all...).

P.S: English isn`t my mother tongue but I hope it possible to understand my anyway...

Pink Panic
16-06-08, 19:15
If you have been to the Dentist lately then they would have spotted any abnormalities. Unfortuntely my Dentist has referred me to a Consultant to get a biopsy after looking at a lump on my tongue which has been there for absolutely ages and hasn't bothered me at all! She said it's probably nothing to worry about but hey try telling my nerves that!!

16-06-08, 19:18
If you have been to the Dentist lately then they would have spotted any abnormalities. Unfortuntely my Dentist has referred me to a Consultant to get a biopsy after looking at a lump on my tongue which has been there for absolutely ages and hasn't bothered me at all! She said it's probably nothing to worry about but hey try telling my nerves that!!

yea thats nerve racking. My doctor did that for my testicle lump. I've never been so anxious in my life!