View Full Version : Deficiencies more common..less diagnosed

14-06-08, 23:40

I am wondering how many of you were like me when diagnosed with psychiatric disorders never had any bloods done?
I lately had some bloods done and even though they were not out of range some were lowish. I believe the ranges are not always right (they vary too much from country to country to be accurate), I also believe because the minerals and vits the body needs at tissue level may not appear to be low if they are not being utilised properly due to another deficiency.

shows the extent of problems which can result from a deficiency in just one mineral
I tested within range for B12 and also for magnesium, however since taking the magnesium for over 3 months I have noticed a few improvements, no muscle cramps, less back pain, less asthma attacks. Also with the B12 (deficiency can make you feel guilty, how wierd is that? what else can it do to your mind?) and B complex (I take them sublingually as I believe i may have candida causing malabsorbtion for reasons I will not go into here) anyway since the B12 drops, and the B complex with 400iu folate I have been able to breat he properly. I had been virtually bedridden for over 2 years with shortness of breath together with other problems which were thyroid related. But please please explore nutrients for answers. If you are told you are normal please get the results and the ranges and at least try it. Learn all you can though about them because there are things we need to know such as if we take vit D without calcium it can leech it from bones. B and
C vits are generally ok to take though and well worth a try.
Please do not think that nutritional healing is just about eating a sensible diet, there are reasons people are deficient and it isn't always the wrong diet. If you can take vitamins sublingually all the better. I would recommend good quality vits too, not cheapo multivits which are probably not going to do anything positive.

Give your body chance to correct itself. I believe it is all there for us if we choose to search it. As Hippocrates (I think) said, Let your food be your medicine, let your medicine be your food' or something similar. I believe he knew at that stage in his life that everything is in the food but we don't always get enough of what we need or we have problems in our body which doesn't allow us to utilise it.
With the agressive drugs from pharmaceuticals we take, we NEED to be at a level of optimum nutrition.

God bless


Cathy V
15-06-08, 10:26
Thats a really good post, very informative. When you say good quality vits, do you mean the more you pay the better the quality? or do you mean just buy individual vitamins regardless of cost rather than multi-vits?

cathy xxx

15-06-08, 21:18
I would say to go with what people recommend, for instance I go on a lot of forums and often when they recommend a certain vitamin or complex they will mention something which has done them good. For instance I am on magnesium, I use Lifeplan triple source which I find good, some folk might not. I definately don't go for too cheap, and I generally have a particular health condition I am targetting so it will be specific vits. For instance for my thyriod and nervous problems, I take a B vit drops by Biocare, I also take their B12 (but I am saving up for some that vegans use as I know that they cannot get B12 anywhere else and their supplement HAS to work) they aren't too expensive either but for me they do the job to an extent and they bypass the gut which I find very adventageous.
I'll betcha that on the net there will be a nutritional forum somewhere that health 'nuts' (a bit derogatory in my opinion) as they call em in the US go and they will know the best vitamins :).
I got some cheap ones from 'weigh and save' lol, didn't do a great deal for me, I wonder why? lmao.

Take care and I hope you get stuff that helps. Research and more research is all I had and there are loads of knowledgable people on the net as well, but watch for boards like body builder ones, they really take damaging things and too greater quantities in my opinion.

Try this site, Jurplesman is fantastic in the area of Nutritional disorders


15-06-08, 22:11

Sorry if it is not in depth enough, I can go into greater detail if you wish?
The posts I have done are VERY relevent to anxiety.
Maybe you are missing the point? Body chemistry?

Cathy V
15-06-08, 22:12
Sorry if i sound a bit sceptical but the three threads ive read of yours so far have bombarded me with information...too much to take in really, with all the statistics and names of this and doses of that, as well as various websites that youve included...i'm exhausted just reading it all! :scared15:

You mean well so thanks for trying to help.
Cathy V

15-06-08, 22:16
LOL don't rush :)

15-06-08, 22:34

I was wondering when i noticed that you take vit b drops where you get them from please as i cannot swallow tablets and would be really interested in finding soluble, drops or any other alternative way to take them. i currently have chewable evening primrose and soluble vit c.


16-06-08, 00:47
Sure Ju

I get mine from


God bless