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View Full Version : Skin Cancer :( Scared

14-06-08, 23:44
I am scared, I have had a waxy bump on my lower leg for years now, in fact I can't even remember since when.... today I noticed, there is now blood and it looks like the blood is under the skin to the left of it and I am so scared it is cancer. I have been looking on google images to look at pictures of cancer but can't find any that look like it....
I've attached a piccy- help

15-06-08, 00:02
Hi fairyloveheart

It looks like an harmless lipoma, but you should go to your doctor to get it checked out.


15-06-08, 00:02
I have several that look just like yours and they have been there for years. I decided I would only worry if they change shape or colour.

15-06-08, 00:07
:scared10: :weep:
It was the blood under the skin that has worried me, especially as I read this:

Irregular blood vessels in or around the spot

NOT sure how I am going to cope till I can get to the docs.

15-06-08, 00:08
could it be an ingrowing hair? i have one of those and its a slightly raised bump which feels solidy?
just a thought,

im sure its nothing to worry about hun, but get it checked if your really worrying..
worrying makes things much worse.

much love xx

15-06-08, 00:13
Thanks Guys. It looks like the blood has now turned half of it pink. I didn't bash it or anything.....
I will go to docs on Monday.....

15-06-08, 11:33
I have had skin cancer and I have two lump things that look just like this and my hospital specialist doctor told me you can get these sort of lumps from having a bite from an insect then they just dont go away and mine did appear around a time I went abroad I have had mine about 6 years now.

15-06-08, 14:54
Hi i have the same thing on my leg to. iv had it for years. its looks just like one in the picture.

mandie x

15-06-08, 19:06
Thanks for the posts xxx
I will definately go to the docs tomorrow just to ask...

Scooby, what did the skin cancer look like? Hope it's ok now?

16-06-08, 18:52
My skin cancer was in a mole it just went really dark and I had it checked and was told it was melanoma cancer after they cut it out, then they cut more out to see if it had spread and it hadn't, I have just got 2 and a half inch scare on my back now. I have to go and have check up now for the next 3 years I think, I'm sure your lumps are like the ones I have on my arm and leg and they told me they were fine but you can ask you doc to send you to a specialist for a proper check up for them.

16-06-08, 21:28
The gp said it's a wart type thing, which I must have scratched, hence the blood.....he looked at it with a magnifier and shined a light at it and said it's the whole growth changing colour or size which I should watch for, but this wasn't cancer. I was ok with this, this morning when I went - but now I am thinking, does he know...should I see a specialist? But then I know I can't ask to be referred for everything....I think I shall just keep an eye on it. I can't find any pictures on the net on skin cancer that look like what I have........ thanks for everyone's support xxxxxxxxxxxxx Thanks for your detail Scooby. I am glad yours was removed well xxxx

16-06-08, 22:46
A friend of mine had a small melanoma under his ear, and it looked like a black spot. Not sure if that helps any, but he had it removed and is now perfectly fine .

16-06-08, 22:49
Thanks Kaz :winks: Glad your friend is ok now