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View Full Version : Need some coping methods

18-04-05, 04:22
I've had a couple health scares in the recent past and was sick for the last two weeks.

One thing that has happened as a result is that I now tend to overreact to any weird feeling/illness. Like I've had this flu bug the last two weeks and I thought i was pregnant when there was no evidence indicating othwerwise.

Im becoming worried about my ability to stop overreacting as I'm having knee surgery this friday and want to be able to be mentally and emotionally ready. If anyone has some coping techniques they would like to share, i would appreciate it greatly. Thanks!

18-04-05, 06:37
Hi there,

Sorry I can't give you any answers here - but if anyone can I'd be grateful for this as well!

I have health worries about my son and I am the same - overreact to every little symptom and draw my own conclusions (with the "help" of the Internet which I am trying to stop now) which results in added anxiety and panic.

It's almost like my brain has a mind of its own !!! (if that doesn't sound TOO daft) - I woke up this morning and I was thinking of one of my son's symptoms and what it could mean etc. and all of a sudden I thought to myself "I don't remember actually starting to think of this" - so it's like my brain is conditioned to be constantly worrying and fretting and trying to work things out.

I know it is down to me to stop these thoughts but I'd love any pointers from anyone who has managed this !! Distraction is great but when I'm lying in bed at 3am it is more difficult!

Take Care All

18-04-05, 10:47
Hi banana. I think most of us have this problem. I to need surgery on my eye. Its not big surgery but scares me to death, I have also had tooth pain on and off for over 12 months and there gain I have a real fear of Dentist to and will not go. My eye surgery I have cancelled and made up excuses for the last 3 years to put it off, but this time got the strength to decide to go and get it done: and the day before surgery all worked up and scared to death they phoned and said it would have to be put off as the anaesthetist was off sick, so that’s a few weeks time now. I have tried everything and some things seem to work for a while then I get another worry (ache pain or some sort of feeling) and sets it all off again. So if it wasn’t the dentist or surgery I would have something ells to worry me. Last Wednesday I went to see a hypnotherapist and have a session this Wednesday, he seems to think that this will help with dealing with my surgery and dental care. Then hopefully the anxiety will reduce. Have you thought of just having one session of hypnotherapy a day or two before your surgery? Who knows if it gets one thing done its help? Take care hope you feel better soon. Vernon

18-04-05, 13:05
Thanks Vernon.

At this point I'm willing to try anything. Do you know how long it takes to make an appointment for hypnotherapy? And where I should look for one (I live in the states).

I'm getting real desparate. This whole health anxiety was what brought on the worse bouts of anxiety for me. And I've been doing so well that I want to fight it and cope.

18-04-05, 17:39
With overreacting you are always thinking about the extreme that it could be in the most unpleasant manner.

Try to also think of the most extreme it could possible be at the other end of the scale and then figure out a rational happy meaning of probability rather than imagined extremes.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

20-04-05, 12:43
Meg, Could you clarify by giving an example on how to do this?

20-04-05, 13:53
Hi ,

I'll take a fairly common example

One - having chest pain - or rather having a pain in your chest .

Chest pain is the term commonly used for cardiac pain and that is what we're used to associating any chest pain with so commonly as soon as you get a twinge or pain in your chest - the thoughts start :

Whats that pain, its in my chest, is it cardiac, what else could it be , there it is again, its not going, its getting stronger, it must be my heart - am I having a heart attack ? there are some missed beats OMG, its a heart attack or my heart is going to stop, whats shall I do to help, I feel dizzy , must be my blood pressue, so it is my heart etcetc and off down the panic spiral you go whereas the preferable reaction would be

Whats that pain, it is coming from my chest its in my chest, now whereabouts is it exactly, I know its normal to get pain in the chest with anxiety but can't remember why. I wonder if it cardiac - shall I try a quick walk and see how it progresses, what else could it be I've had a recent heart scan and all was well so really it can't be that , there it is again- Think it might be muscular - should I have a few stretches - yes a few stretches and a walk.Ther are a few missed beats - i don't like those but they've come and gone and I'm still here and no worse. Its been 20 mins now and no worse so I doubt that it is cardiac, I do geel a bit dizzy but I guess that is ok wit being anxious about it. I'll go and visit Mrs. H and have a cup of tea and a chat. That way I get a walk and some distraction - actually my chest is better but just need to get this dizzyness to pass now - I know that's just time and settling down again.

Anyone like to pick their personal trigger and do both sides of the coin ....


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

20-04-05, 17:20
Im extremly nervous about operation im due to get streliesed but im really nervous about the operation i wont go to the hospital to get it done but i know i really need too.

I dont know why i get so nervous must just be a thing we all get but some people handle it better than others.

20-04-05, 18:29
I'll try it Meg with my own MEGA sized trigger......

AAArghhh my son is going to the footie but his mates dad can't bring them home. Another parent will have to meet them after the match. Oh no, the parent might not be there on time, my son might be waiting around, something bad could happen to him. He may get beaten up, then they will take him to hospital. If they take him to a hospital that isn't close by then will I be able to get to him? The traffic will be bad, it's just after a premiership match. Well, ok, at least hubby is here and he could go and see him. But, what if hubby's car breaks down and then I would have to be the one to go to the hospital, and I wouldn't be able to do it alone...

I've just got to add here that it all looks totally OTT when written down [:I][:I][:I]

And, the POSITIVE side of the coin

Son is going to the footie and his mates dad can't being him back. Another mates parent is picking him up. They are bound to have decided 100% where to meet and at what time. There will be lots of people around, lots of police should something bad happen. If the other parent didn't turn up, son would let us know and then hubby could go and pick them up. It's unlikely that hubby's car would break down, even less likely that he would be in an accident. Son is bound to get home safely.

Trouble is, I can never seem to believe that the worst wont happen and always, always have the same feelings of doom whatever the situation



20-04-05, 18:46

There are extras to be added in for the positive side as well as contradicting the pessamistic side

So son has been to several matches and so from experience knows what to look out for and to avoid, he has a mobile so will be able to keep in touch with all concerned regarding getting home and leting me know his plans, he's not there alone so will have plenty of backup. Its great that the violence at these matches has decreased so much over the years that now it's really only those looking for trouble who find it.
He will have enjoyed the match and had a good day out as well.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...

20-04-05, 19:25
Hmmm, did I mention I have trouble with the positives.........
