View Full Version : No Way Forward

15-06-08, 12:22
Hi everyone,

I have had a deep work-based problem with my line manager who has threatened me over the past 2.5 years as he wants to force me to work longer and to do 2 jobs. HR have been useless and nobody has helped. I have been signed off sick for 5 months now and feel totally exhausted both mentally, emotionaly an physically. He is still threatening and HR have told me that I face redundancy as he will get his way, but I will be able to apply for the job on his terms!

How can they cause such anxiety when someone is off with anxiety and depression? They have really deepened things and the anxiety is getting to the point where I don't know what to do - I just seem to be walking around in a dream as the only option seems to be to be forced in this unacceptable job. It seems such a fight.

Is this feeling of helplessness quite common? I am anxious as well about going on half pay etc. What can I do to help? I just can't see a way out and my depression is deepening.

Best wishes,

15-06-08, 13:07
Hi Andy,:)

As I was reading your post the following sounded just like a situation that I was in:

"I have been signed off sick for 5 months now and feel totally exhausted both mentally, emotionaly an physically.....How can they cause such anxiety when someone is off with anxiety and depression?.....I just seem to be walking around in a dream....."

I had someone visit me at home a couple of times to see how I was getting on/when I was going back to work. I have never met anyone with as little understanding in all my life!! They basically made out that there was nothing wrong with me and that I was just making it all up to get time off!!

I ended up not going back to the job - I found another job that I was happier with.

I think that the 'helplessness' you talk about would be made easier if some employers/managers could have a greater understanding of how people can feel with anxiety/depression. Maybe arranging shorter working hours (rather than the longer hours you talk about).

Have you thought about getting another job?

milly jones
15-06-08, 16:11
hi andy

i know how hard it is hun, worn the t shirt too

what about support from ur union?

thw world is slowly accepting depression and anxiety as an ilness but its such a battle educating others

its so unfair that u are being targeted like this

can CAB help in any way?

please use nmp to vent ur frustrations and we will help in any way we can

all my love

milly xx

15-06-08, 18:59
Hi Andy

Iv been signed off for 2 weeks due to anxiety and in the first week my employers rung to say work was piling up and when can i come in. Also they told me others were saying i was late in all the time and that my anxiety is affecting my work! The part about me being late is not true and i feel so much worse that my colleagues think this of me. Not one of them ha rnung to ask how i am

I will look for a new job, i dont think i can handle going back.

I really feel for u, maybe u should look for another job to

love mandie x

15-06-08, 22:57
hiya i trully feel if its making you feel this bad then you should look for another job where you may feel completely different, happier and may help to make you feel better in yourself. i beleive change is good and especially if u suffer from dep or anxiety, i have made changes loads of times, get rid of the negatives hun xxxxxxx