View Full Version : Tremor Worry

15-06-08, 14:34
I have posted before this week and things are getting worse, I think it is because I am on my own. DS is with his Dad this weekend.

I am really trying to relax and think I will do some gardening later to try and take my mind of things. I am not sleeping well and my head seems to be all over the place.

Some of you may know my two main worrys are my eye sight and hand tremor and the moment!

Yesterday I had convinced myself that it was all OK and it was my anxiety. thanks to the kind posts on here but today I am convinced it is a neurological disorder as this can effect and bring on my current symtoms.

My hand tremor is only in one hand and only happens when I hold my hands out straight palms down, it does not happen when my hand is resting etc.

I am meant to be cutting down on meds next month (fluoxetine) but I cant see this happening I am mess. I wish I could just get rid of it, I bet we all do.

I am fed up of crying and feeling sorry for myself. I feel totally selfish as I am wishing some horrible desease on myself.

Sorry for all the spelling mistakes and grammer, very worked up.


milly jones
15-06-08, 15:54
hey turn hunxxx

this is clearly presenting as an anxious prediction from ur anxiety and u need to gain reassurance from ur gp to put ur mind at rest.

having DS away will not be helping matters too

please accept a virtual hug from me

milly xxxx

15-06-08, 15:58
Thank you Milly. I just feel so silly going to the GP all the time.

milly jones
15-06-08, 16:58
its their job hun

u have an illness just like anyone else

thats what they are there for


milly xx

16-06-08, 17:46
Hi, I get the same thing as you. When I hold my hand out straight my fingers tremble. It's pretty much all the time. I never noticed it before though. I worry about something neurological as well cuz I get a lot of twitches. I saw a neuro about the twitches and he said anxiety but I didnt' mention the tremor. I am curious to know how many people get a tremor when they put their hands out like that. SO if people could reply and let us know that would be good.

16-06-08, 18:07
My daughters hands tremble all the time, she is not on any medication despite having OCD, social paranoia, agoraphobia, anxiety/panic attacks, insomnia and depression.

16-06-08, 18:14
Hi Hollyh - thanks for the question and I am with you on the neurological worries!

I just find it strange because it is only one of my hand that shakes and the other hand is nice and still.

Never should of googled, will I ever learn.

16-06-08, 18:31
I dated a girl in college who's hand shook constantly.

As an health anxiety nut lately I've noticed that I can turn anything into a symptom.

Such as I thought my hands were shaking but it was really because I was clenching my fist really hard and my hands were tired from lawn work

17-06-08, 06:44
Good morning, one thing I have noticed that my hand tremble is worst in the morning by the evening before I go to bed it is quite steady! I was wondering if it could be a side effect of my meds - flouxetine. I am trying not to think about it, not sure how long that will last and get on with work today.

17-06-08, 17:56
Well I tried not to worry but it did not work. Now my arm aches I think this is because I am so focused on my hand that I been holding it funny. I work in a school so not doing my work is not good!

People keep telling me I am mad and not to worry, I wish they understand more. At least on here people have more understanding.

Thanks for reading.