View Full Version : Haven't got an explanation for my weird sensations

15-06-08, 18:09
I have always had IBS with freq bm's in morning then rabbit droppings in eve and lots of wind most days and always complaining of funny bowels and can't tolerate much fibre intake.

I also have badly damaged spine that gives me all sorts of weird sensations and nerve pains.

So - 18 months ago after I had decided to eat very healthily:wacko: so of course had drastically increased my fibre intake I woke up one night about 2am with weirdest feeling in my abdomen - it was a band of sensation from hip bone to navel and was like when you sleep on your arm and before the pins and needles starts you get intense squeezing feeling - not painful but bad enough to stop me sleeping. I of course started panicking and had gurgling bowels and had to go to loo so thought it was a bowel problem.

Sorry for the ramble - my Dr at my request did all sorts of tests - I had aortic ultrasound and ultrasound of eveything else - sigmoidsocopy and over past 18 months 3 fecal occult blood tests - gallons of other blood tests, coeliac test, full stool analysis and food intolerance testting. All normal

The night time attacks I would get every few days for a week or so then nothing for weeks or even months but always the background ibs symptoms.

3 months ago I had my appendix out to rule that out and while in there ( I have 6 inch scar!) the surgeon had a very good rummage around and said nothing no inflammatory bowel disease and all my other bits were normal.

He said last thing to do was colonoscopy just so they have looked all inside as well as out but it wasn't imperative I have it but I am for my peace of mind.

The Dr's all say its either bad attacks of IBS or its referred nerve sensations from my damaged spine. I seesaw between thinking its one or the other as both fit:shrug:

I haven't had an attack for months but yesterday I did lots of excercise I should do because of my spine problems but also I have again been eating more fibre and last night woke up at 2am with the weird sensations.

the really strange thing is that it is always on the side I am laying on and if I turn over it goes away and starts on other side I am laying on. I also get intense priclking and itching as well over area. husband says its nerve compression from spine but why do I always get the terible wind and gurgling at same time a slightly out of sorts bowels????

Sorry again for the ramble but I hate not sleeping and always get into a terrible panic. I am telling myself that if the colonsocopy is okay then I can be sure nothing bad in bowel - surgeon says nothing bad can be there as he would have seen in in operation. He stressed that he had literally had my innards out and even looked and felt my gallbladder!!!!!!!!!!

I'm terrified to go to bed tonight because if I have the sensation then I will panic.

16-06-08, 13:18
These weird sensations are your body's way of dealing with your IBS symptoms. You know you have all your innards examined and cleared with a clean bill of health. Accept these strange feelings because they are telling you that your body is working just fine - now, how reassuring is that to know you have your very own well-being body indicator. Lucky you !
be kind to yourself.