View Full Version : decided to come back

15-06-08, 20:59
hi there

without going all back through my past etc iam now back because iam needing some help with drugs ive been taking and iam now having to come off them and i really dont no what to except and the things that i have incountered so far hasnt been the best and am scared to be totaly honest

no one seems to understand and trying to explain how i feel is becoming really difficult in terms of how i feel about the medication

medication iam talking about is ZOPICLONE. Ive been on it for 6yrs and i got started on 15mg each night (2tablets) as am sure youll except that slowly went up and up, at one point i was taking 5 tablets each night, not all at once take two then few hours later another few and so on non of which i actually slept through the time period i took up to 5, i enjoyed the feeling of numbness and felt almost happy and free of worry and being sad and anxious. Now its time for me to come off them as the doctors are getting worried, and low and behold iam totaly and utterly addicted to them totaly. Ive been told to not have any more than 2 tabs a night thats been the last week and a half, ive manged 7nights to do that another few nights ive needed 3 or 4. i dont control the medication got it in a safe in the house and for me to get extra i have to have a good excuse to get more than 2 a night, iam now as of next week getting took down to 1 and a half which i cant stop thinking bout. Iam finding that iam now taking other medication for pain etc that makes you feel sleepy because iam wanting the feeling i so crave and get a buzz from from the zopiclone. Iam really looking for someone whos been on this medication and took as much of this medication for the amount of time ive been doing it and, everything i find is about people being a few yrs or starting on one tab 7.5 or most taking 3 tabs, ive went form like 4/5 straight to 2 in a matter of seconds because its causin me problems, am totaly addicted to them, i get pain, forget things total memory loss of pervious night before its affecting my relationships i say things when am on my medication that i dont remember or totaly regret and its driving me mad also getting pain and blurred vision which is getting worse as the time goes on my health hasnt always been great and my immune system is so poor that am getting back sysmtoms. I came off SSRI paroxitine last yr this same time after being on them for 8 yr and it was one of the hardest things i had to do and still deal with the side effects of them. It was my third or fourth attempt at coming off them, am trying so hard to rebuild my life but these meds are something i relyed on and now there being took away from me and iam terrified.


16-06-08, 13:37
Hi Bribri5,

Welcome to the Forum.

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

You will get loads of support and advice here.
Best wishes,

16-06-08, 14:09
i see this on the net hope its a help


16-06-08, 14:11
Welcome back :welcome:

milly jones
16-06-08, 15:38
hi bribri

we met in chat last night

ive taken zopiclone but not long enough or the dose u need the help with

but im here to support u in any way i can

welcome home

milly xxx

16-06-08, 20:36
Hiya Bribri :welcome: back to nmp its lovely to have you here :yesyes:
As you know You will get lots of support/advice and make some great friends along the way.

take care. :hugs: :hugs:


16-06-08, 22:30
Hi Bribri5 and :welcome: back,

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

17-06-08, 02:33
Hello Bribri And Welcome Back...i Wish Ya Well.......linda

17-06-08, 16:53
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

17-06-08, 20:41
Hi BriBri,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you have been feeling and you will get support.

Many hugs,


18-06-08, 10:39
Hello and welcome back to NMP :smile:

You will find lots of useful advice on here and also get to make some new friends along the way, who truly understand what you are going through.

Kaz xx

DJ Trace
04-11-08, 16:17
Hi BriBri,

I Just wanted to say Hi and Welcome.

Stay Safe And Well.
Love Trace Xx