View Full Version : Even if you don't have low sugars, this could help you control adrenalin

15-06-08, 21:49

Please consider some of the things in this ladies testimonial and also some techniques for adressing high adrenalin that you might find here. Remember the fight or flight hormone adrenalin is what starts off your anxious feelings.

take care

Cathy V
15-06-08, 21:58
Sorry I'm a little confused. Youve posted 2 threads on here in last 12/24hrs each one with supposed information about anxiety. Are you a therapist or councellor? because you havent introduced yourself or told us what your problems are. If however you are one of the ppl we get on here from time to time causing trouble, it would be good if you wouldnt do this. There are alot of ppl here with genuine problems and posts like this don't really help.

If you are a genuine member then i do apologise.
Cathy V.

15-06-08, 22:05
I am sorry Cathy I don't understand?
I am in the introductions thread from a while ago.

I will put it in again. I am 48 years old, I am not a therapist, I am trying to point people towards strategies alternative to the usual ones which might help them. I feel for all with anxiety and panic issues because I started at 16 years old so you might say I have a certain amount of 'experience' of the feelings and the way it wrecks yours and your family's life.

It is only recently I have found some answers to my problems through doing a lot of research and getting the symptoms back due to new medication.

I am certainly not a trouble causer and I feel rather offended, also quite sad that you should jump to this conclusion.

take care

Cathy V
15-06-08, 22:16
Sorry whitters but i did apologise if i got it wrong and yes i did miss your intro post. I know you're trying to help with all of the information youve accumilated over time but to be honest i find all the statistics a bit overwhelming...but hey thats just me. Wait for the others to reply, you'll get loads of hugs and support now that youve had a hard time from me! :D

Take care and sorry no offence intended...sensitive souls arent we all?
Cathy xx