View Full Version : Feeling of pressure in my head

15-06-08, 23:01
This is my 3rd bout of serious anxiety/panic attacks but this feeling I have never had before. It feels like I have loads of pressure in my head like its goong to pop. WHen the pressure gets really bad My vision goes blurred. I have done the whole thing of thinking its something serious but now Im almost convinced it is stress related. Has anyone else ever had this feeling.

15-06-08, 23:23
I posted the other day about this. My thread is called 'Head Pain' -
its not what i would call a headache, more of a constant feeling of pressure on the top of my head. It feels as though i have banged it and its bruising and its quite tender when i lie down. I have never banged my head so my worry is also that there is something going on in my brain. I feel the pressure all day but more when i bend down, my ears also pulsate. I have had blurred vision for 4months now, especially when i look from a near to a far object.
I had a clear ct scan 3 months ago but at that time i wasnt having this pressure feeling in my head. So my concern is something has formed in the mean time. My GP doesnt agree and has refused a second CT scan. This constant worry is getting me down so i am thinking of going private for a second scan. Have you had a scan?

15-06-08, 23:29
No I haven't had a scan as this is something that is just starting now. Having read through loads of threads on this and other forums I am fairly convinced this is just stress. Its not something that is constant just every now and again.

Do you ever get a squelching sensation/sound inside your head. That is wierd as!!!

15-06-08, 23:45
My pressure feeling is constant, thats why i am worried. It doesnt hurt but its just always there. I dont get noises in my head but i do get odd sounds in my ears, low ringing, hissing etc. Ive read a few times that a tumor doesnt give you a bad headache, just an uncomfortable pressure which is what i have. Ive got a lovely daughter and i wish all this would just go away and i could wake up tomorrow without a care in the world which is how i used to be. Take care

15-06-08, 23:52
Don't worry yourself about it. I have spent so long convincing myself I am seriously ill in the past and it has turned out to be nothing. Now when I get a new symptom I just know its anxiety related but just need assurance. I'm sure everything will be okay. Do you take any meds for anxiety.

16-06-08, 08:52
My pressure feeling is constant, thats why i am worried. It doesnt hurt but its just always there. I dont get noises in my head but i do get odd sounds in my ears, low ringing, hissing etc. Ive read a few times that a tumor doesnt give you a bad headache, just an uncomfortable pressure which is what i have. Ive got a lovely daughter and i wish all this would just go away and i could wake up tomorrow without a care in the world which is how i used to be. Take care

Many times the headache associated with a tumour is so bad that it makes you vomit.

16-06-08, 08:54
My pressure feeling is constant, thats why i am worried. It doesnt hurt but its just always there. I dont get noises in my head but i do get odd sounds in my ears, low ringing, hissing etc. Ive read a few times that a tumor doesnt give you a bad headache, just an uncomfortable pressure which is what i have. Ive got a lovely daughter and i wish all this would just go away and i could wake up tomorrow without a care in the world which is how i used to be. Take care

Check this site out http://www.medhelp.org/forums/neuro/messages/32807.html

23-06-08, 12:21
I get this as well which omes and goes. It's like my eyes feel like they are bulging out of my head and I get ringing in my ears.

23-06-08, 15:49
I have had the pressure in my head feeling, I definitly think mine was stress related also i think teeth grinding can cause it too sometimes.

27-10-08, 21:40
My head pressure is constant too. Either we both have bad anxiety or we are both horribly ill. I am betting on the former! :)

27-10-08, 22:43
I think I have had something similar before, to me it felt like my face was a mask, or made out of something hard, or just stiff, even though itwasnt physically.

29-08-10, 15:55
if you have blurred vision its serious and anyone that doesnt take it seriously is a bad doc. so go see someone else, and you people with pressure in your head tell the doc you have blurred vision and they will get you a scan. I have had to lie through my teeth to get anything done and found out, and I found something that I would not have found if I listened to them. So just say I have blurred vision for however long and it has gotten worse recently.
I have told my docs that certain types of cancer runs in my family when I found a lump and they would not give me a scan.

04-09-10, 23:25
I agree that this head fog/pressure is very annoying, but i think it lingers around and worries you the more you focus on it. Do you find that when you focus on something that takes you out of yourself that you are not aware of it so much?

21-06-11, 22:50
i feel pressure on my head too which makes me panic and go dizzy, plus my vision seems to go blury, it comes and goes every few days. i'm pretty sure it must be anxiety or stress related too but at the time when i feel the dizziness i somehow manage to convince my self that i must be terribly ill, and it scares the crap out of me!

24-02-13, 08:53
Hey there everyone. I suffer the same as you describe here
i am 19 and have had anxiety for nearly 6 months now. I worry about my health an awful lot. I have been to my doctor countless times about pressure on my head and he always says the same thing anxiety related. I used to worry it was a brain tumor. With the pressure i feel i get heavy eye lids and a throbbing in my left temple. I feel kinda hazy and on occasion my head feels tender as though bruised. You may not believe it but i have come to learn that our minds can cause physical sensations that we believe are serious. To jump straight to the conclusion of a brain tumor is rash. I did the same thing a few months ago. There are different signs to a brain tumor than mere pressure on the head. If not anxiety it could be a sinus problem or a small infection in the ear. I constantly get reassurance and often look on the internet for advice and a peace of mind. When stressed the body reacts in many ways. A few years ago i was in hospital due to stress because i was getting seizures and severe head pain. Stress can give you all the symptoms of a serious health issue. Have you visited your doctor? Maybe for tablets for stress? I am on propanol which is a beeta blocker and it has releived my panic a month ago i wouldnt even leave my house. Try breathing techniques. Take a deep breath throigh your nose and as you do imagine a blue gas like thing entering your nose . . . This is good. When breathing out imagine a red gas like thing . . . This is you allowig the bad thoughts to leave your body. It could also be tension related i get swollen neck and shoulders and noticed my pressure started then. Im sure your fine but if you are still worried i would suggest a visit to your doctor. I do doubt it will be serious.

24-02-13, 09:31
Many times the headache associated with a tumour is so bad that it makes you vomit.

My mum recently had a bleed on the brain which caused her to have a pressure headache. I don't think you can mistake it - she described it as 'like a thousand migranes'. And yes, it did also make her vomit which made her incompetant GP think she had a virus! But it was swiftly followed by confusion and vision problems. And I don't mean anything like what you get with anxiety - I'm talking not recognising my voice or seeing anything out of her left side.

I'm no doctor, and its always good to be careful, but I get anxiety headaches/confusion/head pressure and I think they're fairly common symptoms. I've had this 7 months so pretty sure I would know about it if it was anything more serious x

26-02-13, 21:49
I get terrible pressure in my head and then after a few hours "twangs" It feels like my eyes are bulging and my ears are about to explode, and my sinus' too, I'm 100% sure it's down to anxiety, when I lay down I get pressure on the opposite side of my head like something inside is pressing against it, it's wierd and I ended up going to the hospital and doctors, turned out I was majorly run down due to all the anxiety, and had as the doctor said "Music up to my ears" I never thought of this cus' I didn't even have a runny nose, but she said she could actually see the mucus behind my ears when she looked and at the back of my throat, anxiety has so many symptoms and can effect your body in so many ways, it can be worrying, but I'm with you liam, it's stress nothing more nothing less!

04-04-13, 06:04
I also have head pressure very badly ! ive had it off and on for 5 years ,,but its pretty constant ..ive had mri and mrv also a ct scan done ,ive been to eye doctor ,neuro doc ,and heart doctor ,and I am waiting on ent appointment soon ,,I wish I could help but I haven't found no relief myself so annoying and mine feels like a constant sinus infection my nose has been stuffed for years and pressure in front of head top of head and on sides .....

---------- Post added at 00:04 ---------- Previous post was at 00:03 ----------

may I add I get ringing in ears ,and hummimg sound ..when I bend over its way worse feels like my eyes and forhead will blow its so awfull ...all test have been clear at this point my doctor wants me to do a spinal tap but I said no

04-04-13, 10:00
I get this as well which omes and goes. It's like my eyes feel like they are bulging out of my head and I get ringing in my ears.

I get this to on and off during the days. I would love to get an mri/ct but my dr isnt very forth coming. :( xx

14-05-13, 17:13
Go to Mayo Clinic and searc for Pseudo Tumor Cerebri
I had all the feelings you are describing and I suffer from PD and severe panic attacks.
I still have attacks (not nearly as many) because a lot of my symptoms were being caused by IIH or Pseudotumor cerebri. It is non-life threatening disease that causes you the have excess spinal fluid in your head.
You may want to ask your doc about this.


15-05-13, 00:04
I get pressure in head. sort of hissing noises in ears. I`ve had it for years and put it down to anxiety. At times I hold my nose and pop my ears to stop the hissing noise.

16-05-13, 15:17
I have constant headaches which started many years ago, most recently I now get head pressure when I lay down which is mostly located in my forehead, top of head, and on the right side of my head. I'm thinking it may be due to my sinuses since I also have a stuffy nose. But it seriously scares me because it makes me think my heads about to explode! I have to sleep almost in a sitting up position because of this pressure. I did go to the doctors once about it and he said its probably sinuses because my nasal cavities were swollen.

17-08-13, 15:32
Almost 90% sure I know what causes this, but I'm no doctor although I seem to care more than most. I used to get this feeling a lot as a child. The pressure, cloudiness, found it hard to focus and just a general hotness in the top of my brain. I recently started getting them again and after hours and hours of puzzling over this, I came to one conclusion. Excitotoxins.. In other words MSG, aspartame, glutamate. There are many more. The most common and potent is MSG. I came to this conclusion when I ordered Chinese food from a local restaurant. I always asked for no MSG and checked everything I bought at the grocery store. After 10 years of dodging MSG I have become extremely sensitive to it and I know exactly what it feels like.
I recommend you all read "Excitotoxins The Taste That Kills" A very eye opening book and I hate reading books to be honest.
No I'm not a bot, a book salesman, or a marketer. I'm just some one who cares.
Wiki Excitotoxins, I can't post the link..
Some key points in the book:
-MSG was given to mice in much lower dosages than we receive and the mice went blind.
- Fetuses don't have a blood brain barrier to protect them selves as well as we can vs most Excitotoxins, so mothers please be aware of what you are putting in your body.

PS These symptoms could be a number of other problems but keep in mind most doctors are in denial or uneducated about the effects of Excitotoxins.