View Full Version : Is This PTSD?

18-04-05, 11:27
I was picked on at high school...although I had a great group of friends who im stil friends with now (I left school 6 years ago), i was in some classes without them and the 'popular' kids would tease me and make comments. I was quite shy when on my own so i just used to take it. I was fine when with my friends as they never seemed to bother me then. and i dont thik my friends where aware of it.

I still think about it every few days. i dont think ive ever dealt with it and ive never ever told anyone about it.

I suffer with depression, ocd, anxiety panic attacks and i dont know what the cause of them is.

I have a great relationship with my fiance who i live with.

I wonder whether is i tell my phychiatrist about this whether it will help or whether im just making a mountain out of nothing, and probably what happened all thoses years ago doesnt mean anything??

Tatty B xx

18-04-05, 13:42
Hi Tatty B,

So sorry you were bullied hun. of course that's bound to have an impact.

I think you should definately have a chat with your phychiatrist I really think that will help. It's best to get things out in the open sometimes.

Even though it happened all those years ago. We have a habit of keeping it all inside and it can come out any time.

For instance my Panic and anxiety started on my honeymoon and I felt so angry cause I was happily married and in the Bahamas. So who knows why or when it starts. Perhaps mine started because I felt secure who knows?

I do hope you feel better soon and I think a good chat will help you air some deamons!

Take Care,


18-04-05, 13:49
Thanks Pips

Ive so much stuff in my head from years ago that I always dwell on and im not sure why. Ive never told anyone that I still think of situations in the past.

But maybe I need to to help me progress even further...

Think i'll sit down and write everything down which I still think about form years ago.

Tatty B xx

18-04-05, 14:10
Hi Tatty, I agree with Pips, you should get everything out in the open, it will lessen the burden you are carrying. writing things down is great, I find it a big stress reliever and I also remember to ask too rather than forget everything when I get there.I think stationary box will share their profits with me soon.
I left school maaaaaaaaaany years ago but still think about it as if it was yesterday because I wasent happy. If only Id talked more then I probably wouldnt still think about it, although it isnt the cause of my problems it niggles there sometimes.
Hope you oK.

18-04-05, 14:15
Thanks Alexis

Im not sure what the cause of my problems is either, but i think the fact that i keep thinking about things in the past, I should def get it written down so i can tel my phsychiatrist next time i go.

Tatty B xx

18-04-05, 18:10
Journalling is extremely healthy and an exercise well recommended to everyone here.

Sit quietly and just let it all come out in a big heap and see where it takes you - don't try to control it at all.


Watch your thoughts, they become your words...
Watch your words, they become your actions... Watch your actions, they become your habits... Watch your habits, they become your character... Watch your character, it becomes your destiny...